Heather William



4 years, 8 months ago




Name Heather William
Alias H, Mum
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Age 30
DoB November 30
Race Human, half Ignus
Build ?m, ?kg
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Current ref2021
Life Status Dealer
PlaylistOn Spotify


Magic Strength
Physical strength


  • Lemon cordial
  • Decorative weapons
  • Lemon pie
  • Lakes at summertime
  • Christmas cake
  • Water-based travel


  • Loud noises (sensory)
  • Overwhelming scents (sensory)
  • Claustrophibic areas
  • Air travel
  • Dentists
  • Hairdressers


Abilities and Languages

English, and fire abilities. Like her son she is unable to control her heat altering and it is usually controlled by her mood. In an attempt to control this magic and protect those around her she often wears metal gloves, which have been molten several times and forced herot get a replacement. Heather has a demon form but is once again poor at controlling when and how said form comes out. In actuality, this form terrifies her with its strength and power, and if she could get away with never using it she would.


Heather was raised by a family in the Philippines by a foster family of seven other siblings. She never knew her parents and was therefore unaware of her demonic lineage for many years, able to keep the beast at bay thanks to her comfortable and well-loved lifestyle. It was only once graduating high school and moving away to live her own life that Heather started to experience build-ups of stress pertaining to her financial situation and realized her fire abilities were going to be a problem. It was then she began wearing metal gauntlets and welders gloves to protect those around her, and by extension, herself.

Meeting her first partner, Charlie, was an important step in learning to recognize and control her own extraordinary abilities. With his help and affection she was able to find calming methods that reduced the likelihood she would accidentally hurt those she cared about. Life was stressful at times and Heathers constant struggle meant she couldn’t easily get a stable job, but with Charlies support the couple settled into a comfortable routine. A few years into their relationship Heather discovered her pregnancy and nine months after that she lovingly welcomed her new baby boy, Theo, into the world.

For years after this the family lived comfortably. While at first Heather had nervously been waiting for the child to show any signs of her own secret abilities he reached five years of age and not a single fire-related incident had taken place. Just as the woman started to feel comfortable with her family, disaster struck.

One evening on a walk home from the park with her family a stranger appeared. In their hands was a knife, held out towards the woman with a slashing gesture as they grabbed Theo and yanked the crying child away from his distraught mother. As most parents would Charlie stepped forward in an attempt to stand between this stranger and his child- gaining a Knife through the chest for his troubles. Before his families eyes the man crumpled to the ground.

Acting on instinct Heathers demonic lineage burned through her veins and when the anger faded she found herself standing over the stranger- a man with beautifully blue eyes and golden hair, his gaze sightless as his throat was turned to a mess of gore and the taste of warm blood in her own mouth. Her eye couldn't seem to work and agony laced down one side of her face making the world spin. For moments Heather simply stayed frozen standing over him before the crying of her child startled her from the shocked stupor. Upon discovering her child severely wounded and husband already gone from this world the woman screamed out for someone- anyone to help her.

The next few months were a blur. As police arrived and attempted to piece together the situation Heather remained in disbelief, a grief thicker than fog almost entirely blocking her vision. The only relief she had from this was seeing her son wake up in hospital and his weak grip around her own hand. He was the reason she had to go on, as she told herself every day. Every passing day more news about the situation was revealed. The body of the man she had killed was missing from the scene with no DNA match, and though she admitted to the manslaughter of a stranger the woman was not given Jail time. However as the days wore on her mental state wore down farther until the woman turned to substances in an attempt to stay calm enough to look after her son. Now that his father was gone, she was the only one who could.

As Heather's state deteriorated further her son seemed to grow more distant, spending time alone. While she assumed he was just missing his father the truth came out one day when the small child set their sofa alight with a sneeze. Terrified Heather attempted to discipline him, tell him not to ever show that kind of power again, that it was dangerous- and in doing so accidentally harmed him herself. This was the final straw. Later that evening after treating her sons new wounds the woman called child services on herself and after an emotionally charged conversation she put Theodore up for fostering.

Not to say this didn’t hurt. Theodore was her reason to keep trying to be a good person, amd without him she found herself lost in an abyss of mind-numbing chemicals. Under the threat of losing her house Heather turned to her local dealer and took up a job delivering for her, making her even more certain that Theo could not return home to her. He was her baby boy and she loved him so very much- but there was no way for her to be a good parent and love him as much as he needed. He was safer with his foster, anyway.

And if it turned out he wasn’t safe she was fully prepared to kill for him again.

Further Lore!

All questions asked to Heather during server lore nights, aka just some extra information related to her personality. These are a good way of hearing the characters actual voice (may switch from first to third person).

How well can this character resist their impulses and emotions? Is it easy for them to put emotions aside in a box, and what do they do with those emotions? Do they dissolve or will they have to let it all out later? Are any of these things conscious to the character? “Cracking straight ito the emotional trauma questions today, are we?” She teases but you still feel uncomfortable at the words. “...hmph. Well let’s see… I used to be very good at resisting impulses. Kept my head down, let myself be the weak little woman and got trodden all over by the men in my workplace, family, even the law. It’s actually so very easy to pretend in situations like that. I pretend to be flattered by catcalls and compliments instead of threatening to break knees, and in return keep my job and stay out of jail. Well.. as it turns out that didn’t work so well.” You catch the corners of her mouth twitch downwards and wonder what exactly she is thinking of before she starts to speak once more. “When you’re complacent to everyone they take advantage and the next thing you know you’re screwed out of money, justice, and time. So I stopped playing so nice.I opened that ‘box’, as you put it. If there is no reward for withholding my impulses then why the hell should I make the effort? So nowadays I do whatever tickles my fancy whenever I feel like and and honey, I’ll tell you, I’ve never been as free as I feel now. There is absolutely nothing as good as opening the little storage facility full of emotions and just letting it all reign free on everyone who deserves it… just be careful when deciding *who actually deserves it*, you know? Don’t want you to make that little mistake too.”

Are there any specific and especially strange dreams/nightmares this character can remember? If so, describe it. ...In general, how directly influenced by real life events do they suppose their dreams are? “Well for starters-” Heather answers much faster this time and you pull out your notebook expecting something very juicy “- I lucid dream. My brain doesn’t control me, I control it. So make sure you write that down before people start thinking I’m some kind of pussy.” She huffs and glares suspiciously as you take notes before continuing. “When I was younger and let people push me around I did have a lot of dreams about water that were set on the coat, though I’m not sure if that was because my parents were fisherfolk or some kind of weird symbolism… doesn’t matter now though. Nowadays I just take over and make it into a movie night at home, eat some dried popping corn stuff with caramel, get in some time to fully relax, you know? It’s nice to have Me time. Tell your brain who's boss, right.”

Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? Even if they don’t drink, what would you categorize them as within the stereotypical types of drunks if they did? When you bring up this question you can amazingly watch as Heather instantly shuts down, glaring away at the floor and snapping at you to “Move on.” Nothing you say can convince her to answer even a little.