Henry Blacklidger (Alt. Henry Blacklidger)



6 years, 4 months ago



In this world, there are no faeries, there are no witches. This is why they are alternate. This is our world, essentially. Because Henry is unaffiliated with faeries, and lives in ignorance that witches even exist, his back story up to sixth grade holds the same. 

However, in English Literacy class, where he met Randy, things changed. Because Jack was never there to voice reason into Randy, Henry was able to completely manipulate him. 

Henry found Randy interesting because of how innocent and facetious Randy seemed to be. This is true for both universes. While Randy seemed to be useless in all aptitudes and traits, in art, mathematics, cooking, science, language, he still was positive and loving. He was happy with being incompetent. And Henry, who was very smart and talented, found that interesting. He wanted to see how far he could use that. He wanted to break it.

Because Randy never had his best friend to help him out, his closest friend was Henry, and the people Henry would associate him with. It means that Henry's plan to really make Randy a stoner, so he could supply anything, overprice, and have a cash-flow from Randy, worked.

Of course, Randy spirals into a whirlwind of disaster. Eventually, he becomes a drug addict, and loses any chance he had for college, and is removed from the school activities he had an honest enjoyment in. Starla breaks up with him, not wanting to deal with that, but Henry doesn't think much of it, personally.

Henry never overdoses, and thus is able to graduate law school. Henry still manipulates Randy, and has him completely under his thumb. If Randy expressed trying to get away, he manipulates him into staying the way he is. If that still doesn't work, he manipulates people under him into hurting Randy or whatnot. 

His relationship with Vanessa becomes very unhealthy.