Henry Blacklidger



7 years, 9 months ago


  • Henry Nicolas Blacklidger

  • 496550?1512426936
  • Age 19
  • Gender Male
  • SpeciesHuman
  • OccupationUnemployed
  • StatusAlive

"I'm afraid that it's impossible. That you can't change the first thing you think when you see something, no matter how terrible it may be."

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DoB: March 1, 1988
Hometown: Caspero
Height: 6' 2"
Nationality: Yarsivian
Ethnicity: Yarsivian
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Henry was born on March 1 to two middle-class parents. They did not get along. Growing up, it was very common for Henry to go to bed to the sounds of drunk parents screaming in an argument. His mother was a higher-end tailor that never seemed to have very good business, and his father was a gambler that liked to drink a little too much. This culture of a discordly home, with a narcissistic father, and, compared to his peers, his higher social status, caused him to grow up with a high ego. His intelligence, and his ability to weasel out of any situation especially fed into that. His charisma and dignified appearance, even as a small child, meant that he always had friends, good grades, and was well-liked by his teachers.

By 5th grade, however, he had begun to weasel himself into another trouble. He decided to leech off of his family's alcohol, which was always out in the open anyway. He figured that if they ever found out, he could easily just declare that his parents were a poor influence, and should have been more responsible anyway. Or better yet, some other lie! Who knows.

In 6th grade, he met Randy, and his best friend, Jack. Not necessarily caring for Randy's feelings, he had decided to play with him, like a toy. Essentially, his inspiration was that Randy's obliviousness, and gullibility would be useful to get him to do what Henry wanted. Whether that was attention, or money, or whatever the case may be, he'd always be able to have a supply from it. By the time 7th grade had rolled around, he had begun to not only hang around Randy, but with shadier kids who he would begin to smoke with.

He was also short, quite short. Like, 5'1". Jack, who had caught onto Henry's manipulations and insincerity, would call him a spider monkey due to his shortness. However, by 9th to the end of 10th grade, he hit a growth spurt to reach the height he is now. This rapid growth spurt caused stretch marks on the back of his knees, arms, and abdomen.

In high school, he was brilliant, but was cocky. He had managed to manipulate Randy, who would excuse signs of Henry's apathy towards him time and time again, into hanging around the friends he would get high with. There, he oftentimes would tease him. His main reasoning for taking Randy to those sort of things was due to the fact Randy was far more noticeable. No one would be surprised to see Randy around stoners, much less to see him buying drugs or whatever the case was. Their friendly relationship grew into something abusive, as time would show Henry's true feelings for Randy. He would use him as a cash flow, and ultimately would force Randy to give him money and steal from his family's belongings to sell. He would force Randy to smoke, to do whatever his bidding was, and forced Randy to go to drug dealers and buy drugs for him. If he refused, Henry often would have him be beaten by someone from the circle. Over the course of it all, Henry's plan to push any notice of his activities onto his friend had worked, and Randy's reputation as a druggie was ultimately concreted.

One day, Henry decided that an even better way of cash flow, and to make Randy seem even more easily a stoner, is if he did drugs himself. Seeing as how deterred to any sort of drug, sans smoking Randy was, he figured Randy needed a push. So he invited Randy to his house, and gave him a weed brownie without telling him. This later went very badly, because Jack was there when Randy was at his house and kicked in. It clearly traumatized Randy, but Henry honestly could have cared less. More than anything, he was annoyed that his idea didn't work for the reason he figured would stop it.

This event was the end of his friendship with Randy.

After Jack had gone out and yelled at everything Henry had done, he decided to handle things his own style. The fact someone so below him thought they had the audacity to scold him like a child had irritated Henry, and Randy no longer being of use annoyed him further. And, of course, he knew what he had to do in order to truly knock down Randy and Jack's will. Their friends.

He also decided to shatter Randy's will by hinting to the school Randy should be taking the next drug test. For reasons, of course. That way, since Randy already had gotten the high from the weed brownie, he'd definitely fail and lose any chance of college, and be kicked out of theatre, track, and cross country. When Henry told him this would happen, Randy lost his ever loving mind and went on a full panic mode. This worked.

For Jack, he spread rumors around the school, including one that Jack spread STD's to two girls, which caused Jack and those two girls to get severely bullied and largely ignored by the opposite sex. The two girls even lost their boyfriends, who thought they had cheated on them, and passing on them the disease. When Jack denied this rumor being true,  Henry told everyone to "not forget Jack is a liar."

When it came to Carl, who was not out at the time, he had told the religious sect of the school of Carl's homosexuality, and coerced others to believe that being gay was wrong. As more and more people found out about Carl's sexuality, they would avoid him or make derogatory comments towards him. Eventually, the only ones who would talk to him was Jack, Paul, and Randy.

When he graduated, his decision was to study law, and become a criminal justice lawyer. He figured it'd be exciting. He even had gotten a scholarship for a prestigious school in England, which he ran with. There, he met a lady who had worked as a lifeguard part-time. Finding her being the same nationality as her a funny coincidence, he would flirt with her, and they ended up living together and dating. However, it wasn't a very happy relationship for Vanessa. She was constantly strained emotionally by his addictions.

In law school, he had written things he wanted to accomplish in his life. Some of which being defending, and winning, a murderer case, and becoming a higher social ranking than his own parents, for the simple reason of wanting to look down at them. 

He mainly kept drugs as an excuse for studying-- he'd write notes while he was high, and it would go much faster, and he found it would be a lot more enjoyable doing so. 

In Topsy Turvy

At some point, he screws up very badly. He overdoses, and somewhere along the line, registers as dead. Vanessa resuscitates him, and he is sent to the hospital. The college, on the other hand, finds out, and to protect their prestigious image, kicks him out. The bank he worked at let him go, and he was unemployed.

Vanessa still stayed with him and allowed them to live with each other, but he begins to lose his care for self-control. Still, he held back a little for Vanessa, because he felt like otherwise she would 'nag', and this annoyed him. But he still used smack and Tina and all those names to make the word for drugs easier to stomach. And this frazzled her to no end. Living with someone addicted to substances is extremely hard to do, watching them decay. And she decides to formulate a plan. One day, she tells him that he can either clean up his act and stay, or she'll have him move out and leave. 

So, he left.

 He was also angry when he left, finding Vanessa being completely unreasonable. As a result, he very kindly stole some of her more pricey possessions, and her car, and drove off in the middle of the night. He then sold these things, and used the money for drugs, a ticket to his hometown, and a cheap, stingy house barely better than a trailer. Without a Vanessa, a job, and being scrapped of his entire life goal, plan, and what he believed his intended purpose, he also lost his self-control. Considering his bad neighbourhood, where he likely wouldn't run out of any suppliers, he quickly became a heavy user. The type that mostly hung around other users, and thrived on that. Sometimes he would go out to bother old high school people-- just for old time's sake-- where he would pretend that he was still in college, still in England, still doing much better than Randy, a secretary working for a barely functional company made by his father. How about that neopotism, eh, Randy?

However, the worse that he would start to look, he began to be avoidant of them. Especially Randy. He didn't want someone whom he enjoyed so much to look down on and scoff at to pity him. He tried to make himself seem presentable, of course. He's a vain man, after all, but there's a point when you can't find a way to mask how sick you are beginning to look, that you have sores on your skin that refuse to heal. 

He still viewed himself very self-righteously. He still believed himself to be better than most people, that he could just think himself out of any addiction-- if you could even call it that, right? He wasn't like other guys he saw on the street, with their jittery movements, and their large dilated eyes. After all, he was accepted into one of the nicest colleges a Yarsivian could go to. What did they have?

But it was denial, and he used the high as a distraction for his desolation. It was an escape from his uselessnesss. 

Until he began losing teeth, he didn't realize how dire his addiction had become, or how badly it was beginning to affect his brain chemistry, or health, or physical appearance. The day he started to loose he began to become very frantic and scared. The propsect of what he had gotten himself into terrified him, and he wanted to get help before it got much worse. 

 He called his mom, who reacted with dismay and shame for all the money he wasted, for losing his chance at success, all for something so minuscule. Something that his father squandered on similarly with gambling and alcohol. She is also a very vain, and materialistic woman, and seeing all of that money, wasted, filled her with shame. He ended just as much of a useless deadbeat as his father in her eyes. And seeing as he had nothing but disappointment, a stigma, and loss of more lined up for her, she disowned him. 

And after that phone call, he tried again with someone else for help. Unfortunately, Henry found that he couldn't remember the phone numbers of very many people-- people that weren't already in a similar situation, anyway. The only one he could remember was Randy's. And to this he felt worse, how could he confide something so personal to him?

Figuring it was better than nothing, he called anyway, to which he recieved no answer. It was something to be expected, though. Maybe Randy was afraid to answer. Considering everything, it was very likely.

By now, he only hung around heavier drug users, himself being one. He deteriorated very much so as time went on, he got worse.

It was to the point that when Randy spotted him in the supermarket, he could barely recognize him. By then, Henry was extremely thin, and had a tendency to sweat lot. Scratched open sores from meth bugs and acne, incredibly jittery movements, and a swaying when he walked. So one and so forth. And to Randy, he felt like if something wasnt done soon, he'd be close to dying.

Randy, of course, felt incredibly concerned and also full of anxiety about the matter. On one hand, he was afraid to bits of Henry, but on the other hand... no one deserves to do like that. It was a conflicting thought, the fear of manipulation verses morality, but, ultimately, he decided to help Henry. However, it was under a condition. The day Randy arrived and offered his proposition, he told him that it wasn't out of friendship or regarding what Henry did that Randy would do this. Randy was not his friend, he was only a Good Samaritan. And unless Henry showed he was somehow a better better person, Randy would never be his friend.

Cognitively, at this point Henry was still a manipulative and shallow human being, but his previous prowess was now stunted. His brain left him a slower thinker, with memory problems. Not to mention, his vocabulary was now much smaller. But in his heart, he was still very mean-spirited. Maybe it was due to an uncharacteristic seriousness that Randy possessed, but after a brief dispute, Henry obliged.

Then Henry found out that Randy took a day off work, went through his house and threw anything drug-related out, it became a big dispute. So Randy took his cell phone. Haha, suck it Henry.

Before long, withdrawal hit, and with everything, he had a very rough time. He decided that trying to quit smoking would be too much, so he didn't try that, but nonetheless it was extremely hard. He started sleeping a lot, and side effects from medicine didn't help either. He couldn't even finish a movie without falling asleep. He'd stay asleep for a very long time, too. He spent most of the day asleep, he normally felt too tired and unmotivated to get out of bed. Maybe it was just another way of distracting himself from reality.

Without a distraction, and a horrible headache, Henry started to spend a lot of time thinking. He thought about how he basically wasted an entirely picture perfect path in his life, the plan that he wrote those years were nothing but a could-have-been. He saw how Randy would go off his lunch breaks to see him, and how he was doing this much for a person he didn't even like meant something to Henry. He started to realize that his actions were horrible, that all this time, he was entirely in the wrong. Whatever justification he reasoned before for what he did was nothing more than a simple excuse to be hurtful.

This realization caused him to loathe himself further, and this prompted eventual self harm. He decided that he didn't want to be like that anymore, manipulative and hurtful. He didn't want to be like that. He had a massive amount of guilt for everything he did, and especially for Randy.

By here, Henry started going on walks with Randy during his lunch break, where they saw an adoption campaign in the park. Henry wanted to go see the campaign, ignoring the fact Randy was allergic to dogs, and he started to play with the cats. As he started to play with the kittens, he noticed a very small cat in the corner of the cage that no one seemed to touch. After a brief inquiry, he found out that that cat had been in the shelter for ages, due to being undesirable. It was a very old cat, 13 years old, and nearly completely deaf.

Upon hearing this, Henry felt for the little cat, seeing how it had trouble doing some things, like how he had trouble doing some things. He felt for it a lot, and decided to adopt her. Without her, he would have committed suicide or gone back to drugs quickly in his withdrawal. He loved this cat a lot. Her name was Pearl.

Eventually, Randy decided that maybe Henry wasn't going to be simply using him, and he told Henry that he forgave him. This meant the world to Henry, because Randy was the person that he did the most things too. And out of everything, Randy still forgave him, and thus became one of the only friends Henry now has.



He's really, really embarrassed about his teeth, and he's afraid to smile because of it.

He started to smoke in early 7th grade year.

He has no clue that he makes a specific face when he's thinking.

His nose is slightly pointed.

Henry's sometimes afraid that he's still hallucinating.

He smells very faintly of cigarettes.

When he's incredibly upset, his tremor will significantly worsen.

Henry gets things thrown at him a lot if he's seen outside. Cans, trash, paper, food, you name it.

He's very poor at managing money, and is in major debt.

Henry isn't able to watch a full movie in one sitting anymore, he always falls asleep before it's over.

He self-harms by scratching his forearm raw and cutting.

Before developing his memory issues and becoming cognitively impaired, he used to be able to fluently speak and read English, Yarsi-English, Yarsivian, and French. Not only that, but he was able to play several instruments, some of which included piano, guitar, and violin. Now, he's only able to read Yarsi-English and speak English, and he doesn't remember how to play any instruments at all.

His attention span is very short.

Once, Henry thought he lost Pearl, and was crying for a whole hour before she climbed out from underneath the couch and meowed at him.


Randy Flowerdew

[ ex-friend ] The main person Henry hung out with, and manipulated. He forced him into getting hit for not doing what he wants, to smoke, and even drugged him for money. The friendship broke up their 11th grade year as a result. After high school, he still enjoyed to tyrannize Randy. 


Jack Wancir

[ ex-friend ] Someone Henry always found in the way and far too annoying. He tried to break up Jack and Randy's friendship several times-- whether that be by spreading rumors, destroying his things, or bullying him in general. Anything to get Jack to loathe him. It worked too well. Jack still has a grudge with him.


Vanessa Silva

[ ex-girlfriend ] Henry's girlfriend in law school. She works as a life-guard, and is a very sweet, but strong-minded girl. After he overdosed, she resuscitated him, and still tried to be there for him after. Eventually, it became too strenuous for her mentally to handle. After giving Henry an ultimatum, he left her and stole her valuables and her car. 



[ pet cat ] Henry's cat and only friend later in life. She's an elderly cat that never quite made it out of the gutters throughout its time in the shelter before he adopted her. She's precious to him, and spends a lot of his time both taking care of her and talking to her. She's a creature that loves him unconditionally, and doesn't care what kind of person he's like. He doesn't have to prove anything to her. He cannot fathom why her previous owners named the speckled cat Pearl.
