


4 years, 7 months ago


Somewhere, in a land that neither begins nor ends, is a creature of variable size. It hunches over its staff, walking with the practiced ease of a tripod who doesn't remember any other way of walking. It takes long strides on all fours, swinging its body side to side as its legs move in synch. Its long tail drags in the leaf-litter behind it, creating a soft and familiar sound that announces its presence more distinctly than any cry.

This is me. It is also not me. I am it. I am also not it.

Antimony exists in that unique pocket-universe of the self. It is a self-image, partially crafted, partially evolved. It isn't quite a character, in that I can't decide its personality traits or height or age. Antimony defines itself, and I patiently nod my head as though it is telling me that rain will make the ground wet.

In a very real way, Antimony is independent of me, in addition to being me.

The kinds of statistics you often find in the profiles of long-sufferring sonas won't be found here. Antimony has no height, or age, or weight, except what suits it in that moment. Yet it is not a shapeshifter, and cannot consciously control its form. It would be more apt to say that its form controls it. But, to delineate some common themes:

An ever-shifting and undefinable hybrid. Core of kalak and marine iguana.
The very concept of gender is alien to Antimony. If you're asking "how do I gender it", the answer is don't.
maybe - it's never had the opportunity to learn
if you must, go for the vaguest ones. It/its or they/them.
no thanks
Digi, but planti feet. There may be an extra joint involved. No foot-thumbs, just those weird lizard thumbs.
All/None, it depends on your perspective. Anti largely lives in a pocket universe and interacts with dumb ferals, but communicates with them just fine. Might not even know what language is.

Quadrupedal (swings both legs on the same side together), or not-quite-bipedal with a staff to lean on.

One day this will be a good-looking profile, but that day is not today.