Hope (Hopeless)



4 years, 4 months ago


Name 希望
Age 35
Status Deceased (?)

He didn't understand how he woke up back into the world he never wanted to go back to.
Yet whatever awakened powers that he had now, will not stop Hope from eliminating humanity that treated him with betrayal and hate. He lost the love of his life and his two beloved children, so now he'll come back to wreak revenge to those that thought of him wrong.

  • He currently took whatever remains of the Prodigal and claimed it as his own. Hope becomes the new Overseer. The Prodigal doesn't seek for balance of the world anymore; Hope seeks to use the organization for total control over cities and eventually the world.
  • His newfound powers allows him to manipulate mortals for an extensive period of time. If not, he can petrify his targets.

Hope knows Godfather's whereabouts and often takes time off to see him, even though Godfather himself is still in disbelief. He loves Atticus dearly, even if his husband is against the idea of total control and revenge against Humanity. Now unsure whether or not they can bring Emery and their children back, Hope uses his powers to make a world where he can Godfather could live together forever.