Mikel Platt



4 years, 7 months ago



Name Mikel Platt
Alias Magpie
Age 22
DoB August 25
Gender Male
SO Bisexual
Height 55 cm
Build Lofty, Burly
Race Feline
Origin Surface
Role Forager
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Demeanor Introverted, Conscientious

❞ 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓼𝓸 𝓪𝓶 𝓘


  • Jewelry
  • Animals
  • Snuggles
  • Serenity


  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content



Brotherly Caring Strong Soft-Spoken Intimidating Seemingly Callous

Mikel comes off as a stoic tom. He is the strong and usually silent type that relies on actions in getting his emotions across to others, rather than using words. To many, the name Magpie gives them the image of the large and intimidating tom of Moonwatchers', and they peg him as a fighter. And although he packs a good amount of strength, skill, and strategy when confronted for combat, Mikel is actually a forager, which comes as quite a surprise to many.

He may not be the talkative type, but when Mikel is in the mood for it, he is softspoken and polite in manner of speaking. It is how he was brought up to be- courteous and kind. Within Moonwatchers', his fellow guild mates are brought back to a calm state of mind, because his own serenity can bring them to just that. Even when Magnus may have his fits of hot-headedness, Mikel often gives him some of his time to help him appease his outbursts.


Born Mikel Platt, Magpie was raised by his grandmother on the surface. He never did get to spend time with his parents and older siblings, as they

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Charisma 35%

Kindness 70%

Temper 40%

Integrity 50%

Courage 65%

Humor 50%


Attack 70%

Defense 65%

Magic 25%

Resistance 25%

Speed 45%

Stamina 75%


Appeal 75%

Confidence 65%

Intellect 75%

Manners 70%

Optimism 50%

Luck 75%



Skill Name

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Skill Name

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Skill Name

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  • Mikel is known to be open to- and even explicitly state his wants of snuggling up with certain cats. This is not at all uncommon with Rufus or Bluebird, since he feels very comfortable around the two.
  • His alias is derived from the fact that his grandmother's favorite birds are magpies.
  • Despite being the largest cat in Moonwatchers', Mikel has the smallest personal tunnel. He prefers being snugly fit and doesn't see the need for a large amount of room. If ever, his room is enough to fit another cat along with some of his most treasured belongings.
  • Mikel's silver bell was given to him by his grandmother. It's what he considers his greatest treasure, and he's asked Bluebird to enchant it so that it may never break, bend, or be damaged, unlike his other silver adornments.




Magnus Solis

Magnus, to Mikel, is a very strong fighter. One he can challenge from time to time and practice combat on. And although Mikel is much bigger than Magnus, he admires him for having a lot of strength, for a smaller cat.



Rufus Pantas

Rufus is Mikel's closest comrade within the guild. Having joined a few weeks after the bright red cat, Mikel and Rufus bonded quickly whilst they were being acquainted with the Moonwatchers'. He and Rufus can usually be found talking with one another, or curled around each other during down time within the guild. Together, they bond over stargazing- in which Rufus will usually settle upon Mikel's back while he charts the stars.



Bluebird Alpa

Next to Rufus, Bluebird is the cat that Mikel is most comfortable with. She and him are very fond of each other and seek comfort in one another; often found lounging together in his personal quarters to recharge and simply relax for the day. Bluebird will sometimes read to him, and he always looks forward to the stories she'll tell him. And he is always welcome to open up to her about his problems, when he wants to.



Branwen Blangko

Branwen and Mikel.



Junco Listo

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