


4 years, 6 months ago


Employee file - Lamarcus

Name Lamarcus

Gender Male

Assignment Control

Highest Stat Justice

Workshift Repression

Corrosion Level Mild

Magic Bullet
EGO suit
Magic Bullet
EGO weapon
Der Freischütz
Bonded abnormality


Control team, highest stat is Justice. Lamarcus was one of the first employees hired in the Sapphire branch of the Corporation, and for quite some time, he seemed rather flippant about his job. Oh, sure, he does his work and takes it fairly seriously, but with the low risk levels of the abnormalities his team team- Control- is assigned to, he didn't seem to think that they were capable of much harm at all and didn't fear them as much as he probably should have. After a temporary stint in the Information team and having to work with abnormalities of higher risk levels, however, he's begun to take things much more seriously than he used to- probably because of the much more significant danger he and his teammates are in as the Sapphire branch expands, and more and more dangerous abnormalities are brought into the facility.

Due to his sharp sense of justice, Lamarcus was the immediate first choice to work with Der Freischütz when he was brought into the facility- as Der Freischütz responds best to employees with a strong Justice stat. Lamarcus didn't see an issue with this- from what he knew about the abnormality, it was not especially dangerous. What he hadn't factored in was the sharp mental toll working with an anomaly that inflicts black damage would take upon him. For a good few shifts, before he worked to train his Prudence and mental fortitude, he couldn't bear the stress of black damage beating down on him, and- though he worked very well with Der Freischütz- would frequently come out of the containment chamber shaking and hyperventilating. It took a bit of help from Kaerno and Eden to ground him again.

Now that he's sharpened his mind and toughened his body, he can work with the abnormality safely, and in fact has found himself enjoying working with him quite a bit more than the Control team's abnormalities. He's even gained a gift from Der Freischütz- the blue-and-gold pipe he carries with him was given to him by the abnormality. As well, the suit and longcoat he wears, and the rifle he carries, were woven from energy gained from Der Freischütz's containment. Said rifle was originally incapable of differentiating between friend and foe and caused occasional casualties when used, but Lamarcus eventually got fed up and decided to have it modified to improve its targeting, making it incapable of harming fellow employees.

He's dating and lives with Kaerno, but he doesn't make it very obvious at work.

EGO Corrosion Effects

  • Lamarcus has inhumanly good eyesight, and has described being able to "zoom" and "focus" his vision for better shots with his rifle.
  • Though impossible to see under normal circumstances, Lamarcus's eyes fluoresce royal blue under blacklight. There's also a faint gold ring around his pupil, which is visible normally.