


4 years, 6 months ago


Employee file - Kaerno

Name Kaerno

Gender Female

Assignment Control

Highest Stat Balanced

Workshift Attachment

Corrosion Level Unnoticeable

EGO suit
EGO weapon
Bonded abnormality


Control team, has an equal balance between all stats except Justice. A nervous soul at heart, Kaerno finds herself a little afraid of and averse to working with higher-risk Abnormalities, this likely being why she prefers to stay in the Control and Info teams. That said, she's got a very kind heart and is very good both at working with abnormalities and at calming down panicking employees. She's got a silver tongue and a healing touch, really. Easily-spooked and somewhat flighty, she was equally as likely to fight breached abnormalities as she was to sprint out of the room at the sight of them early-on, but working in tandem with her boyfriend Lamarcus has helped her to develop the bravery she came to the Corporation to help hone in the first place.

Kaerno has been visiting Central Command semi-frequently recently, as she was assigned for a while to work on a couple abnormalities there. Fond of the cutesy and marginally less dangerous abnormalities, she had worked well with Punishing Bird and Void Dream in the past, so she was naturally the manager's first choice to work with Laetitia- and did a fantastic job. Her current suit and weapon were manufactured using energy gained from Laetitia, and she absolutely loves the suit. She was also working fairly frequently with Porccubus for a while due to her good Temperance, but ended up being restricted from working with it due to showing addictive behavior after repeated exposure to its toxins. She's handling it like a champ, though. The necklace she wears was gained from Porccubus.

Kaerno has always had a very active mind in terms of REM sleep, and recently has been having some very strange dreams. According to Gimtteol's theories, this is supposedly because Kaerno has a tenuous link to alternate timelines, and is able to peek into them in the dreaming world. Kaerno, of course, does not know about this, but even though none of it's real as far as she knows, it still weighs pretty heavy on her.

EGO Corrosion Effects

  • Kaerno's corrosion effects are unnoticeable unless she is introduced to Porccubus; she is much more vulnerable to its toxins than other agents, though seemingly never to the point of death. A single dose will take her out for a solid hour. This extreme response to a relatively small dose is part of why she was banned from working with Porccubus soon after recieving its gift.