
4 years, 6 months ago


Employee file - Eden

Name Eden

Gender Nonbinary (they/them)

Assignment CentComm 2

Highest Stat Balanced

Workshift Varies

Corrosion Level Mild

EGO suit
EGO weapon


Central Command division 2 (at the moment), has balanced stats. Eden is, most certainly, a very strange one indeed. Originally hired for the info team fairly early on, they've hopped around the facility quite a bit, never seeming to find a place to settle in. For all their seemingly-quite-high intelligence, Eden is quite fragile and erratic mentally- not quite Wetherby bad, but still rather delicate. One would swear that Eden comes to work every day with mental contamination already at 50%. Exceedingly anxious and often working with a dangerously frantic and unfocused hand, Eden is that one employee in their respective team that often gets complaints about them sent in to the manager- that said, when they're able to pull themselves together, they can be a surprising help to the team, particularly with calming down panicking employees- perhaps their own very nervous nature helps them empathize with and talk down employees having breakdowns.

Eden's chronic anxiety leads them to do quite poorly with abnormalities that do mental damage such as White or Black- though their Prudence is fairly high, their mind is not very well-guarded and even with decent armor, they can be driven to their breaking point unusually quickly and by even the weakest of white damage-dealing abnormalities. A report once got sent in to the manager of Eden having a breakdown after working with One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds a fair bit throughout the day, which genuinely surprised everyone, considering how weak that abnormality's damage capabilities are! They were brought back down from said breakdown fairly quickly, but not before accidentally knocking out a clerk in a fit of panic. They are profusely apologetic about this.

In spite of (or maybe even because of) their perpetually-panicky nature, Eden is very good at reading a room, and can often predict to a rather frightening degree of accuracy whether a work shift is going to go poorly or not. Eden commenting that they have a "bad feeling" about something is genuine cause for alarm for many employees in the facility.

EGO Corrosion Effects

  • Alterations to Eden's body seem to all be internal. Their metabolism seems to be accelerated, causing them to get hungry faster and be capable of eating more than normal.
  • Eden's skin absorbs any blood splattered onto them; it proceeds to be broken down by the body to help with healing.