Huan Yi Ye (➤ PUELLA MAGI)



4 years, 16 days ago


Magical Girl

Color La Vie en Rose (#CF4F6A)
Symbol Cinquefoil
Weapon Monk's Spade
Language Elizabethan English
Age 15
Incubator Lust

"I wish to fall in love - great romances like in the classic novels!"

Huan Yi's desire for romance acts as the impetus for her wish and creates a charisma towards those she is romantically interested in; she will seem to shine just a little brighter and stand out to them just enough to fall in love, but only if they are the object of her desire. Once the honeymoon stage has passed, the spark fades, and quite quickly. Her wish has the downside in that she bounces from romance to romance, unable to commit to one for an extended period of time.

  • "I do bite my Thumbe." (from Romeo & Juliet): Huan Yi spins her weapon and sweeps forward with the spade portion pointed out for an attack, strongest when first used and decreasing in attack power the more it's used in succession.
  • "This aboue all: to thine owne ſelſe be true." (from Hamlet): Huan Yi raises individual party members's weakest stats by two for the duration of the battle by twirling the crescent part of her spade in the air and dispersing her magic, but her will stat drops depending on the number of party members she is buffing.
  • "Not ſtepping ore the bounds of modeſtie." (from Romeo & Juliet): Huan Yi curtsies and returns HP to the party progressively over each turn; in exchange, her defense stat drops and she takes more damage than she would normally.


Éponine, the Rorschach witch with an anxious nature. This small witch is hard to find in her sprawling barrier, as she is flitting from place to place while crafting her ultimate romantic fantasy. Her face is a blooming inkblot test that is constantly changing to reflect her ever-changing temperament. Her large ribbon drags the ground behind her and the rolled up parchment that makes up her body flutters rapidly to help her move faster.


Her barrier is built like a multi-tiered cake, with each layer playing out a scene from the epic romantic fantasy that she is continually re-writing. The first layer introduces the main characters as their meet cute happens in a sprawling ballroom, and each subsequent one progresses through their story, leading to their untimely demise. Éponine speaks to those who have been spurned by love or who find love intoxicating, looking either for kinship in her woes or to exact revenge on those who would wrong others romantically. Those welcomed in eventually lose themselves in the roles they are presented to play and become Janes.


She has three familiars: Rochester, Jane, and Kathy. Rochester is presented as a giant gloved hand who is following his mistress's orders in refurbishing and updating the story as she makes her edits, as well as cleaning up the spilled pages in her wake. Jane is a shadow puppet familiar that comes in many outward forms and acts as the characters in Éponine's story; those who enter her barrier eventually become Janes. Kathy is the largest familiar, sitting at the center of the barrier and made of paper which she can use to build herself up to great heights. She acts as her mistress's shield and deceives puellae who enter into thinking that she is the witch while Éponine escapes.


Shasta Chavéz friend / neighbor

Even though their personalities and interests are often quite different, Huan Yi and Shasta have been friends since they were children and she worries when her neighbor pulls away. Shasta, on the other hand, wishes that she would live a little and do something besides the Go Home and Study Club.

Nate Chavéz friend / neighbor / crush

Huan Yi and Nate have a love of books in common, and he has been the object of an off-and-on crush Huan Yi has fostered since she was ten years old. He gives her rides to school quite often and they get along swimmingly for the most part; she's a sympathetic ear to his worries about his family.

Tier Welstein crush

A new face, Huan Yi met him at a local concert Shasta took her to. The attachment on her part was immediate as she was charmed by his lackadaisical personality, his musical talent, and his striking looks.

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