


4 years, 7 months ago


fu raya


female ( she / her )


april 10th

168 cm / 5'5


student council

Fu is a diligent and hardworking student, being a member of the student council from her first year and seeing many council presidents come and go. Fu feels that the student council is now in its worst era so if you hear rumours about  someone overthrowing the president, just know they may be true.

Fu is a rich girl, her father owning a multi billion dollar corporation that he uses for less than friendly things. Fu has no sense of money and uses as much as she can from her father's bank account just to spite him.


  • the secretary for the student council
  • has multiple foster siblings, half siblings and step siblings
  • rich, very rich
  • has the neatest handwriting ever

Design Notes

  • Short hair, red on the inner part, brown on the outer part.
  • Red eyes
  • Demon horns, fish fins, shark tail
  • Multi-layered clothing


Fu is a hybrid of two completely different species, a rare occurrence especially with a species as powerful as a demon. This mixed blood wasn't a mere coincidence since her father, Mori Raya, had a not so small obsession with hybrid children.

The man using any means possible to get a hybrid child, including participating in the dark auctions and buying them off the streets. Fu is considered Mori's greatest creation since she was the only hybrid child that has his blood and survived. Fu had become numb to all the siblings that come and go from the 13 story building, she hated how cruel her father was though not directly at her.

Fu went to Sena to get away from her father, his constant overbearing nature was suffocating and Fu wanted to save her siblings that resided on that 13th floor and she wanted to crush her father's company down. Fu bought a Sena admission letter from one of those stragglers on the street, and with that ticket she'll be attending Sena.
