


2 years, 1 month ago



alba vias






male (he/him)


october 13th


195 cm / 6'3




science club


Let me cut you open just for a bit! I promise I'll be gentle, and if you aren't dead by the end..well let's just see ~

The evil scientist of the science club as he is dubbed. Alba likes to spend his time cutting someone open and experiementing on their body parts, he's done animals before but Alba seems to find humans more fun to observe. He's rarely at the science lab since he likes to go off-campus to do his experiments but if he is in the science lab, you bet he is perfectly fine with grabbing a random student in the hallway. Though out of everyone, Alba wants to cut open the vice president the most, well actually the student council president but Alba knows he'd probably die if he even touched him. The other astral being had to make do. Luckily Alba hasn't yet fallen victim to the student council president's wrath yet but he knows that the dissection of the vice pres will be a hard one, but who dislikes a challenge.

evil . crazy . mad

Insane is just the word to describe Alba, he has limited care for his or other's well beings and honestly searches for the best thing to give him the rush he wants. While he doesn't consider his self a murder the amount of living things he's cut open in the name of "science" would classify him as one.

Alba is also a mad experimenter and probably has the most inhumane experiments out of the whole club, probably the only one who has zero interest in a healing aspect of science.


  • organs
  • new things
  • bugs


  • cowards
  • flowers
  • boring people



Alba had always had a morbid interest in anatomy and science, more so what you can do to the natural body and all the things in between. He was a roudy child, the lone kid who'd be digging up the dirt or playing with the dead animals.

The demon was just a slight bit psychotic. Which caused many people to distance from him though the demon didn't really care since he was living his best life.

Alba's parents highly encouraged their child's fascination with his morbid interests so when word got around that the vias family had been murdered, and by their own son. Sympathy was almost non-existant.



Alba really couldn't resist if he was honest, killing his parents, it was inevitable if he were to create his biggest masterpiece. While skinsuits are kinda weird to some, Alba found the carving and preserving of the flesh to be relaxing, theraputic even.

With a lack of parents, Alba had no choice but to be moved to stay with relatives, the Vias family was quite large, but even so the majority of the families would not take Alba in. Unfortunately this meant Alba had nowhere to go besides staying right where he was and that's what he did.

His once family home was turned into a playplace for all of the weird and gruesome things Alba did and despite Alba's young age he was able to strive on his own.



Sena was the perfect place for the adolescent boy who just wanted to do too much. Sena had the money, the materials and the equipment that Alba could use to exercise his inner thoughts and urges. The oppurtunity was way too enticing.

Getting a admission letter to Sena was harder than Alba thought but the demon did eventually achieve one after tourturing a couple of people to get it.

Alba entered Sena and in his first year he already had re-established the science club bringing a new era of the science club.

Design Notes.

  • a ton of piercings on ears + lip ring
  • bug tattoo over collar and neck
    • stiches
    • dark circles
  • black hair with grey streaks
  • one grey eye with a star, one red eye
  • one of his hands has red nail polish, the other has black nail polish


  • definitely wants to see how the body of an astral being is like
  • got his tattoo and piercings at 8
  • loves the science club like family
  • likes to drag Nixu along with his disections
  • has a huge ego


