


4 years, 5 months ago


justice and vengence make the perfect combination

Name mae ria
Age 23
Gender female (she/her)
birthday female (she/her)
height 174 cm / 5'7
species angel
year 9
affiliation diciplinary committee

design notes
  • eyepatch over right eye
  • sword located at the waist
  • long purple hair
  • large light purple wings
  • armor
Reference Here

A descendant of an old bloodline who was always out on the battlefield. The tainted angels that the gods don't deserve.

After Mae's liniage finally got purged by the gods, she fled towards the ground to protect herself from their wrath, thus livinging in the dingist of places until reforming herself, determined to revitalize her bloodline and take revenge on the gods.

Mae is a very strick person, on herself and others, as she oozes confindence and independence from the multitude of years having to live solely on her own. She is working on building her strength and forming connections to destroy the people who destroyed her.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

In the hands of God

The Ria bloodline made up the fighters of the kingdom up above, they were the people the gods relied on to do all the dirty work for them, unbenknowst to the knowledge of others. Thus they ended up being shunned by the other angels for their blood thirsty lifestyle and fighting prowess.

Thus with no support from anyone, the Ria bloodline were iscolated, only appearing when the gods asked for them. People would scream at them for doing their duties and the gods never backed them up. This life wasn't what anyone wanted and the family had planned an excape plan from the up above.

Somehow the gods caught onto their scheme and massacured the whole family, fronting themselves as heros to the fellow angels by getting rid of the Rias. The only survivor was the youngest Ria who seemed so insignificant, that after a blow to the eye, the Gods though she had died. Only if they had known.

reminents of the gods

Mae had been the only one to have survived and it was her duty to avenge the rest of her family who just wanted to leave so that they couldn't be scorned anymore. It was tough just surviving seeing that her connection with the up above had broke. Oh how pityfull Mae Ria was.

With only herself to rely on, Mae survived, or survived the best she could given the circumstances. Mae would build up her strength in the day and scurry around for food in the night, barely sleeping in fear of being killed in her sleep. It was tough work but it was the only thing she could do as she swore revenge on the gods up above.

Finding a sena ticket was Mae's gift from the universe, the gods had abandoned her and thus the universe gave her this. Mae would go to sena and there she would get better conditions to take her vengence on the gods.


  • has a sixth sense in telling who is "blessed by the gods"
  • can tell that there is another Ria other than her, though Mae can tell that this revelation is bad news
  • because she had broken the connection to the gods, she gets throbbing pains in her body, especially her chest often
  • very skilled with the sword
  • would rather die than give up her convictions

Designer keed
Obtained 2 character trade
Status alive
Value $$$


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!