
4 years, 7 months ago



Name Juvia Dee
Age 38
Height 5'5" ft
Species Nunuke
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Housewife

Designer Guppie-vibes
World Xygoroth
Location Underground Nunuke Society


Juvia is an orderly and organized woman. She’s very ambitious, hard-working, and knows how to handle big messes. It helps that she had been a housekeeper for years before her eventual retirement. And for the most part, she has a polite and well-mannered nature. She speaks proper and knows which utensils to use when eating a certain dish during a fancy dinner event. She’s neutral with a lot of things and is open-minded to many possibilities.

She’s also a total sadist in bed and can be a lot kinkier than she appears to be. The idea of tying her husband up or adding new slashes to his backside with a whip can satisfy her immensely. She uses BDSM as a stress relief outlet.


  • For a Nunuke, she has all common traits.
  • Her hair, iris color, wings, and umbrella-shaped pom pom can all change based off the actual weather!
  • So although her default appearance is looking more rain-themed, she doesn't always have to look the part forever.
  • With her Forecaster abilities, the most she can do is help bring a light drizzle of rain to her local area around her. She can't do anything else and has never taken an interest in manipulating other types of weather, especially when it requires more effort to do so, effort that she doesn't feel like putting in.


  • Some people would say that Juvia is like a robot. Cleaning is something she’s really good at. She also used to serve as a maid throughout her childhood and knows how to act properly around rich people.
  • She knows how to defend herself. She carries a taser with her whenever she goes out and used to help kill any intruders that would enter the mansion she used to work at as a kid.
  • She has guns. Like, lots of guns. Y’know, just in case something happens. She’s not the type to fight head on with her hands and usually needs some kind of weapon with her, but hey, at least she has good aim.
  • Her husband is a total masochist in bed. He loves getting punished by her and their sexual dynamic just works out.


When Juvia was seven, she learned how to dispose of a dead body without leaving any traces of evidence behind.

For as long as she can remember, she was born and raised as a maid to serve a rich mafia family. Living and working there involved being part of their security team as well, so it was only natural that she knew how to kill and protect the mansion at a young age.

She was eventually able to leave the mansion once the mafia group she worked for were being slaughtered by another rival mafia group. She barely escaped alive and continued her life as a simple hired housekeeper after some time.

She was eventually able to meet a guy named Sunny one day and couldn’t stop staring at him. He was fucking hot - no pun intended.

And she could feel his eyes lingering on her whenever she was turned away. She knew he was interested too, but maybe only for her body. Since she was cautious of how to approach him, Juvia worked her way up into asking if he’d be okay with a friends-with-benefits relationship. He casually accepted and it turns out that they were very compatible in bed. He didn’t get scared by her sadistic tendencies and would even enjoy it. Juvia had never met someone who was so accepting of her kinks before.

Their relationship continued like this for about eight months before one day, Sunny accidentally blurted out that he loved her after an orgasm.

Juvia, however, didn’t seem to mind and had mistakenly thought that they were dating all along. She didn’t exactly know how to initiate romance and tried to suggest sex first before eventually assuming that they were dating. She was very inexperienced when it came to this stuff and had thought that Sunny was accepting her as his girlfriend after accepting her sadistic tendencies.

(She was somewhat mortified to realize that this had been a misunderstanding on her part.)

So, they started dating for real and their relationship ran smoothly for the next several years. Eventually, when Juvia started asking a bit more about his past and how he was raised, Sunny tried to evade that conversation, but he eventually admitted to some unpleasant details after she convinced him that she would accept him no matter what.

And she truly did. She didn’t flinch or back away, even after all of his confessions, and appreciated him telling the truth.

(He may or may not have broken down with relief when Juvia still wanted to be with him, even after he had explained to her everything.)

In return, Juvia also explained how she had grown up to him, to reassure any worries he still had. They’d both been pressured to do bad things as kids, and that was something they could openly talk about.

Now they’re currently married and Juvia’s content with where she is in life right now.

Sunny Husband

Sunny is her husband. She definitely appreciates and adores his company, and is relieved for it even. Without him, she probably would’ve gone insane a long time ago from all her pent up stress. (She also vents out her stress in other ways whenever they’re in bed together.)

Aoi Daughter

Aoi is like her daughter. She's known Aoi since she was a baby and helped raise her alongside Sunny. She's grown up quite fast by now. They're on friendly terms with each other.

Kenji Daughter?

Kenji is literally her mid-life crisis, but Juvia does still care for her anyway since she's kind of like an adoptive daughter (or a wild pet dog with how she acts). Out of the two kids that live in her and Sunny's household so far, Kenji is the most reckless and destructive. Juvia is there to clean up all of Kenji's fuck-ups on a daily basis since she's the one that's in charge in cleaning the house. She's slowly learned to get used to Kenji's chaos over time.