🐍 Liza 🐍



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Special thanks:



Scale Route
makes her own silverware and self-made sets


Tired β€’ Lack of trust β€’ Innocent β€’ Not that emotional

Liza is one of the dateable characters from the visual novel story "Furniture Heartbreak". She makes her own silverware, and different then other Medusa, she can't turn others to stone when looking at them.

Liza belongs to the Medusa, who are usually pretty proudy and narcissistic. But Liza is different. She's often tired and addicted to coffee. She can also be quite clumsy with her feet at times, that's why she works on her balance and carrying food and stuff. It's pretty hard to make her trust somebody, but if she does, she will do anything for them. Literally anything. Betraying her results in her becoming a tired shut-in again. She could never hurt somebody. The guilt would be too big for her.


  • her snakes
  • coffee
  • calm times
  • making silverware


  • Lies
  • couples without love
  • her clumsyness
  • dogs
"O-o... you came back. Nice to see you again."


Liza didn't start her life in the monster world, like most of her co-workers at MMH. Instead, she lived with her parents in greece. She early knew of the mystery of the first medusa ever, who got killed by some hero, resulting in a mass-phenomenon where suddenly snakes turned into Medusas and seeking for revenge. But apparently, the little village Liza lived nearby adored the mystery of the Medusa. Their streets were full of snake statues and paintings and so on. They would sometimes even bring prey for Liza's family, the "Opals", so they were satisfied. They became basically the guards of the village. And Liza should follow after them. But how...She couldn't turn others to stone with her eyes.

Her parents became strict to her, when they realised she would never be able to use the most popular skill of every medusa. They were scared to lose their status as guardians, and so, they tried hiding this fact in front of the villagers. But Liza, who didn't care at all about the guardian job anyways, since it was too dangerous, already looked for alternatives. That's when she found out about the monster world, and the MonsterMΓΆbelHaus (MonsterFurnitureHouse, MMH for short). She talked to her parents how she could make money there and help them to keep their status. Her strict, but still loving parents agreed, and even if they didn't show it, they were proud of their daughter, who almost immediately got the job in the MMH thanks to her prestidigitation.

Since the MMH is basically a visual novel thing, her future story has a good, a medium and a bad end. IF the protagonist acknowledges her being more reserved and how she needs some time to trust people, as well as not pushing her for being tired all the time, they will get the good ending. If the MC however mocks her for her not avaiable skills or for her sleeping all the time, they will get the bad ending.


β€’ While she herself doesn't express a lot of emotions, her snakes are very expressive

β€’ No gore for this one, darker art is ok tho

β€’ don't forget the small points underneath her eyes

β€’ It's completely up to you how you stylize the snakes, go feral <3

β€’ She has one small fang at the bottom of her mouth. Sometimes, it sticks out.


β€’ Has poison in her fangs, that's why she never shares her food

β€’ Her snakes can smell magic in the air with their tongues and are REALLY curious about human kind

β€’ has a really good prestidigitation

β€’ Currently tries to learn how to dance, but has 2 left feet

β€’ Has a phobia of dogs and other medusa

β€’ Has nothing against human kind and loves to learn more about their culture.




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A humanoid unicorn, which seems happy and careless, but actually is really fragile. Liza and her are often seen eating or drinking something together. Also, Shiny is one of the few beings Liza trusts at least a bit. She knows Shiny can't keep secrets, but she trusts her enough to talk a bit to her.



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