Brent Ferraro



4 years, 5 months ago


NOTE: this page is currently incomplete and missing information.
TW: Brents's page may mention: abusive relationships
Brent Ferraro


Name Brent Ferraro
Nicknames Brenty
Birthday September 24th, Libra
Age ≈ 24
Gender man (he/him)
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Convenience store clerk
Race content


  • peppy
  • forgetful
  • ...



  • Cats
  • Free Food
  • Eggplant Parmesan


  • Being Alone
  • Lightning
  • ...


Shared OC between me and ducknclover.

Brent is a fun punk boy who plays the drums. He's new in town! He moved out into the city trying to get his music career off the ground (and maybe also to get away from a bad relationship...) He doesn't really have friends here, so maybe isn't the most selective when it comes to who he befriends... He's recently started a hookup which turned into a serious relationship with another punk OC of mine, Drew! It was casual and fun, but this boy is good at catching feelings. 😳


His long black hair is usually partially pulled back into a bun. Freckled, gap tooth, and a scar on his lip that he idly licks at. Mustache and goatee. Tall and lanky! Wears lots of layers, short sleeve over long sleeve shirts. Ripped jeans, kilts, big boots.



For most of Brent's childhood, it was just him and his father! His father starts dating Karen when Brent's in high school, and they're still together now. Brent doesn't exactly see Karen as a motherly figure, but they get along! They used to watch soap operas together when Brent was home from school.

He was in a car accident when he was young that left him partially deaf when he hit his head.


Brent felt pretty isolated in his small town growing up queer punk and disabled, so when he meets a man who shows an interest in him, he falls a little too deep a little too fast. It starts out great at first, of course!


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Friendly Rude
Affectionate Standoffish
Clever Foolish
Funny Serious
Careful Reckless
Optimistic Pessimistic
  • has two pet cats, Baseball and Frankenstein
  • vegetarian
  • afraid of blood
  • will not pass up free food
  • will rarely waste food in his fridge even if it maybe looks or smells ... questionable



Drew Donovan   [ ~boyfriend~ ]


Drew was one of Brent's first friends in a new city, helping him become more comfortable. And from the moment he saw Drew chugging down a beer moments before their bus arrived he just knew ... "I can't NOT fuck him."


Izzy Walker   [ friend with benefits ]


Meowmeowmeow :3c


Octavius   [ neighbor (with benefits) ]


Brent spends time at Tavey's apartment when his power is out. Or he's lonely. Or bored. Or just feelin' it. :)