


4 years, 6 months ago








over 800






Coven Leader
"What is your name?"

The crypt keeper of Yaoting, an ancient temple in andonia that is known to hold the emperor and empress of the jade dragon order from over a thousand years ago. Many people think that Ambrose is a ghost, fighting to preserve the temples modest atmosphere so that people can come and continue to worship the gods that are buried with the emperor and empress.


Ambrose is a pale but dark character, he has flowing markings that help him blend into the shadows yet they are striking when he appears infront of you causing scares.


Ambrose is an ancient soul, accepting the mission of protecting the temple of gods when he was young. He has perfected his fighting skills, and has hardened his heart when it comes to battling. He doesn't tend to make friends easily due to his suspicious nature, he is a mysterious guy and will limit what others know of him especially since many are skeptical of ancient creatures like himself. He is loyal to his mission, and rarely deviates from the plans of the heavens. Whatever those plans are anyways, no one really tells him anything.

  • Candles
  • Collecting Bugs as pets
  • Ancient scrolls
  • Rainy Days
  • Crypt thiefs
  • lacking candles
  • People releasing his bugs
  • Litter
Blind Sided

"STOP!" Abrose yelled, a deeply rooted growl came from him as a darkened figure paused for a moment. He walked almost lazily toward the person, wary of what they were going to do. "You cannot be here, you have strayed too far from the guides." He spoke in a domineering tone, his eyes shining brightly in the dim light. The person turned to face him for a brief moment before smiling, her red hair and sapphire eyes were mesmerizing even to a guardian. The coloration was that of a deep pool of water, sparkling in the sunshine. "I am here to do some research." Her voice was like a doves, gentle on his ears. He shook his head, what was he thinking? Squinting at her he noticed she held something in her hand, it was on a chain around her neck. "I can't let you through, please head back." Although his tone was slightly softer now, she didn't budge. Instead a bright light sparked from her and he passed out, when he woke again the challace of the Jade king was missing. He snarled when he looked at the empty space, she was not a researcher but a grave robber!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra. Vestibulum non urna quis mauris mattis lacinia sit amet convallis sapien. Praesent tempus sit amet enim sit amet ultrices.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra. Vestibulum non urna quis mauris mattis lacinia sit amet convallis sapien. Praesent tempus sit amet enim sit amet ultrices.


Ambrose's Love interest, though she doesn't seem to feel the same for him she does care for his well being as a friend. She will help him when needed but has her own area to guard as well, they met in her shady acre woodlands a few years ago and have become fast friends. If soul mates are real, they are one of a kind pairing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • Design: Artist
  • Sidebar image: Artist
  • Aesthetic images: one || two || three

code by icecreampizzer