


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Duster Vincere


He / They



Age / Birthday



Ether (Twin Brother) Mondy (Adoptive Father) Constanza (Adopted Sibling)
Chance, Opal, Clay, Gutter, Brio, Rusty (Partners)




Cow (Half Demon)


Salgiroth and Deity of Bonds


The protagonist of Pasualis, the one  who change fate. At a young age, he and his twin brother Ether were attacked by a monster and Duster barely managed to escape with his life but unfortunately Ether didn't make it. Only saved by a mysterious carpenter fellow named Mondy. Though he barely remembers it as he fell unconscious quickly after the battle. From that day forward, he's lived with a lot of anxiety and depression over the situation and became somewhat subdued outside of his close friends Opal and Chance. In his later teenage years he began to be slightly more open but was brunt and awkward. One day, while working his job he realized how much he hated the life he'd made for himself. He realized he was simply going through the motions. He wanted to do something, he wanted to enjoy things again. He decided to finally step out of his comfort zone and go out in the world. 

He found out how much he likes helping people and learning new things. He has spent so long avoiding any new experiences seeing all the varied scenerios of tasks, places and people gave him a new lease on life.  During the journey while his mental state had certainly improved they still felt times where the emptiness and grief took over so per the advice of some of his companions he sought out a psychiatrist and or more general doctor and got prescribed anti-depressants. (As a side note I wouldn't mind the idea of him going to see the doctor a couple more times for check ins and you can see Dusters mental state about himself and life gradually improve.) Something else that's important is during his journey he learns of a way to maybe save Ether, and seeks out the demon Salgiroth. (I like the idea that while not mentioned and not the reason for it, Duster helping people is sort of this almost karmic level thing. Like every person they help is changing someone's fate ever so slightly because of their intervention. And because so much of that was done the idea of changing something like that wasn't farfetched.

A general pacing thing that I would like is that duster at least visits every major town/city once before things start getting properly romantic party. The obvious exception being Brio and Gutter but this could also apply to Duster, Chance and Opal. 

He met a lot of people that he grew to care for deeply and helped even more people, gaining a lot of friends and bonds along the way, eventually leading to him succeeding and doing the unthinkable, by bringing his brother back.

Only the main 7 knew about the original timeline and when Ether and Soren initially heard Duster was in a bad mood (because he thought Ether was still dead) he assumed the journey hadnt gone that well but when Duster suddenly perked up and at the same time broke down crying, Ether was way more confused. Duster filled him (and Soren) in on everything, he wasn't going to hide his emotions anymore. Ether learned about Duster's travels. His new friends and partners, how much happier he was. Hell he even knew a couple of things before Duster had returned since he had done so much for everyone that word has spread of his deeds. He had become a hero but this time one he could be proud of, one that made him smile, instead of cry. But most importantly Ether had learned of his original fate. He initially was shocked but weirdly enough he believed Duster, probably helped by 6 other witnesses and Mondy who had stopped by  at this point to help tell Ether everything. (In this timeline Id like that Mondy stopped by from time to time to check in on them after the faithful meeting when he found them both injured and shared some of his blood to them, with them mostly unknowing of the power they were bestowed) Given the dynamic Ether had considered Mondy a father figure, something that Duster also began to see as he looked at the room full of people he loved as family, friends and partners. 

For all intensive purposes not to much changes on the new timeline. Ether is alive but blind so the reason for Duster's depression is that he wasn't able to fully protect him and felt he was at fault for his disability. So Duster left to broaden himself and try to get over his mental hump at Ether's request. (Though Ether also definitely suffered from some depression from the whole thing it isn't as bad as Duster and doesn't blame him at all, after all he did something miraculous in fending off the monster and getting them out alive.) Anyway another affected person was Soren who was actually one of Duster's friends even before the journey, he was working with Duster going between lots of service and retail jobs but he had told Duster before he left that he was finally gonna go and practice to become a care worker. (Probably a spark that helped Duster leave) In this timeline however year(s) before Duster had mentioned caring for Ether could be difficult and Soren excitedly volunteered to help out as he had been thinking about going into the medical/care worker business and it would help him practice. (Duster and Ether can afford that because the city helps by sending funds for Ether's disability) Soren and Ether had apparently really liked each other's company. Ether finally had someone else regularly at home that wasn't his brother and Soren got to see someone truly happy from his work and however it went, they started dating and apparently while Duster had left, Soren even moved in to be closer.

Ether decides it's time to be like the family he has and find purpose like they have so he decides he wants to hit the road with Duster and Duster happily accepts getting time to catch up with his brother. Soren also tags along lol

Actually good at fishing and likes fish dishes. Enjoys cooking but was really bad at it at the start as most of his pre journey meals were simple depression meals. Enjoys monster hunting a lot as well. As even though he didn't take the best care of himself in his younger years he had spent a lot of time training as to be sure nothing like that would happen again. He also finds a good bit more interests during his journey from his partners and other friends.

A follower of Salgiroth and also of Deity of Bonds. He ends up becoming somewhat of an adoptive child to Mondy as well. One of both of his weapons was gifted by Mondy. Don't know where to put it right now but Cleatus was(is) Duster and Sorens' boss. Whom both do like and I imagine even to this day Cleatus helps them out with discounts and freebies. Also probably ends up being close with Serena. I know in an original idea I had almost pictured a sort of parental figure but that's definitely not the case anymore lol. Probably just end up being really good friends bonding through their struggles.

Connector of Pasaulis



Duster was always protective of ether when they were young, obviously that didn't go over well when Duster failed to save him. But after he brought him back there bond was just as tight. There was an initial learning curve when it came to Ether learning about the differences in Duster's life versus the one he perceived and Duster had to deal with just learning about what his brother was and became but in time they grew stronger for it. 


A fellow war orphan. They have been buddies from a very young age.







He is someone who saved his life and bestowed his blood unto him. Duster had seen him around after that fateful day occasionally but it wasn't until the journey properly kicked off that he began to really learn more about him. Throughout the journey he had opportunities to see him and learn about his family though he was always quite vague when it came to his relationship to Duster. It wasn't until after the change of fate and Duster saved Ether, that he saw and learned the full picture of how much Mondy cared for him and his brother. From that point forward he saw Mondy as the father he never had. He got to learn even more details about him and Salgiroth, and they bonded over many things from the serious stuff like how they both suffered loss and both eventually changed fate in their own ways, how they met Partners they never expected to have and Even more simple stuff like Mondy Duster about carpentry and Duster showing Mondy how to fish. He definitely looks forward to spending time with his family now. 

I'm unsure if I will make full sections for each of them currently so I'll just add this here that I'm pretty confident Duster would have a good relationship with the rest of Mondys partners. (I might especially forget this so I'm putting it here now I pictured Duster has a slightly closer relationship with the guys whereas Ether is a bit closer with the girls mainly because just like him they had their fates changed. Even if it was a bit different in execution)


Their dynamic is still unknown and currently being worked on but I do know just like Mondy constanza definitely had some interactions with the party and even before the change of fate I'm sure a friendship had formed at the minimum. After the change of fade I can't say anything else right now other than that they are step siblings. 

Deity of Bonds

Duster had multiple encounters with deity of bonds over the course of his journey. Generally having conversations talking about stuff having to do with each other. Deiy of Bonds was also very interested in hearing about all the friends and lovers he had made. They got more and more interested the more he had achieved. In the end Duster grew to enjoy what they stood for and felt purpose in withholding their ideals, and just becoming good friends. While he certainly didn't need a blessing or anything Deity of Bonds promised to always be there for him and his gang. Post story their bond grew closer and he became a devout follower of their teachings. Which mostly meant he lived life to his fullest growing bonds by helping people.


Duster knew Soren from a lot of the retail jobs he's been working before the journey began. They always ended up at The same jobs and because of that actually grew to be pretty decent friends over the years. Definitely sharing a common bond of feeling pretty stuck in the world. While Soren couldn't travel with Duster initially, after the change of fate he is able to tag along finally. I think someone quite enjoys this more open and happy Duster as a friend. 

There's literally so many people Duster has befriended in Pasualius that this list could go on for ages. It can be updated as I deem necessary