


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Ether Vincere


He/Him (Non-Binary)



Age / Birthday






Duster (Twin Brother)
Soren (Boyfriend)




A bit more timid then his courageous brother Duster when he was a child. He always looked up to him. Before his brother fought to change his fate, he had died when they were attacked by the Eye-Flayer. This changed however and after Duster had saved them both bravely he had lost his eyesight instead which was a huge blow to him for a bit and he could tell Duster hated himself for it but soon enough he started to perk up a bit and found enjoyment in the little things in life, working hard to function more and more normally. He ended up taking up healing magic as he wanted to make sure no one had to hurt like he did and he could help heroes like his brother. His brother unfortunately didn't get inspired like he did and Duster ended up spending his time working retail pretty down about his place in life. He particularly got to know when of his close work friends named Soren who has actually wanted to get into care work. Ether egged duster on to go and explore the world and just do things for himself while Soren could stay and take care of him. Which Duster did with his close friends and as we all know began quite an adventure. With Duster returned from that with a load of heroic deeds and new friends and partners a plenty, Ether learns about his original fate and realizes it's time to get out of his comfort zone with his now boyfriend Soren and starts traveling with the main gang. 

Many adventures unfold for Ether here. One is meeting a certain blind chef, named Yote, which helped him up his cooking game which his brother some how was beating him on when he got back. But he learned an even more fine appreciate for the other senses. The two became good friends.

Considers Mondy a father to him and has a deep respect for his brother. Also was childhood friends with Chance and Opal though Duster was obviously closer to them. Soren was a work buddy of Duster who Ether got really close with after he became a caretaker for him and they started dating.