Hanabi (ThoHana♥️)



2 years, 10 months ago


Gender Female
Orientation Bicurious
Birthday November 3
Star Sign Scorpio



Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday January 9
Star Sign Capricorn



Height Difference
28 cm
157 cm
185 cm

Age Difference
4 years

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Both Thoma and Hanabi were very young when they met, about 13 and 9 years old. Thoma had finally found something he could show his loyalty to, the Kamisato Clan. When he met Ayato, he of course was presented to Hanabi, who would hide behind her older sister at the time. As Thoma decided to stay, both he and Hanabi gradually got to warm up to each other as he became the clan's housekeeper.

Their Relationship

Thoma and Hanabi have had a very slow and steady build-up to their relationship. They were friends for a good while before any feelings began to develop between them years later. The two are a very sweet and wholesome couple, always looking out for one another and able to always find something fun to do with each other.

In their teenage years, Hanabi was always interested in speaking with the friendly housekeeper. In the morning, and generally any time of day he would pass by her, he'd take the time to come and greet her. It was such a small action, but it made her feel so happy to be acknowledged by someone this much. Quickly, she became maybe a little infatuated with the man, making it akin to like a schoolgirl crush on him. She hoped she hadn't made it too obvious, however, as she worked to build a friendship with the polite young man.

Now although the whole friendship process was in the works, Hanabi always thought of it as their age difference being in the way. It was the one thing that kept her from saying anything other than just friends, so she did sit by and watch as Thoma did, at one point, have eyes for someone else. She couldn't be upset by it at all, there was nothing between them of course. Being the friend she was, she was supportive of him through whatever went on. She herself even went on to date another person and move on casually.

More and more time moves on, Thoma and Hanabi eventually coming back to square one of having each other. Hanabi waits all too long to finally realize she had feelings for Thoma, but she wasn't hesitant to tell him about it. She did tell him she understands if he didn't accept, but to her surprise, he told her he might feel the same. It's led up to before the Decrees for them to finally decide to start their relationship.

How Hanabi feels

"Thoma is such a sweetheart! It's a joy to see that delighted smile of his grace every morning in the household. He is such a hardworking man, I appreciate everything he does to help my siblings and me. Ah... how charming he is, how could I ever ask for anything other than that?"

How Thoma feels

"They call her the Kaen Himegimi, and she is beautiful. She's such a sweet soul, kind of like the small and peaceful flame of a candle. I enjoy bringing her out of the estate and into Inazuma on little dates! Her reactions are always worthwhile, enough to make my day every time."


  • Every day, Thoma likes to leave positive little messages and/or reminders for Hanabi on their nightstand.
  • They share a room, and yes Hanabi gets embarrassed over it, but it's more because Ayaka and Ayato both like to poke at them for it.
  • Thoma and Hanabi are both somewhat protective of each other. Thoma naturally because she's one of the Kamisato siblings, but especially during the Vision Hunt Decree when Hanabi's Vision was taken for her, then when Thoma found himself tied up before the Raiden Shogun.
  • Thoma often teaches her cooking and baking skills, it's one of their favorite pastimes together. Hanabi is a fan of sweets, so it all works out in the long run for her.
  • Thoma takes a lot of strolls with her throughout Inazuma, but if she happens not to come along because she's busy or unwell, he will always bring her snacks or tiny gifts so she doesn't miss out.
  • Hanabi loves drinking tea, so she’ll always come and bring Thoma some for some refreshment while he’s busy.
  • Thoma has this habit of cleaning up a lot, even after Hanabi. She always gets on him for that, but he does it anyway.
  • Although he’s likely not good at it, he tries to style her hair for her. If that doesn’t work out, he does help her get dressed in her dresses every morning.
  • Jokingly, but also sometimes half serious, he likes to call her his princess and carry her around somewhere. It gets her laughing every time.
  • In their future, they will go on to have a daughter named Ichigo and two sons after that.
  • NSFW
    • Both of them are a little shy and easily embarrassed on the topic of sex, so it’s a real timid and slow build up for them.
    • I don’t see either of them being into nasty, disrespectful sex so their time in bed is more sweet and romantic.
    • Thoma is a service dom I’m right. Hanabi feels so loved by it.
    • They tend to think they’re quite enough but… not really, they’re actually a little on the louder end. It’s gotten them caught in suspicion by other members of the household…
    • As someone who likes to venture out in the wilderness, Thoma here and there likes to find an empty quite area out in the open to do it with Hanabi.
    • He’s very worried for her out in the open though, so he makes sure she’s kept out of danger. She feels especially safe doing it, but still worries too about anything catching them.
    • Hanabi likes to ride him quite a lot, he’ll praise her for it so it drives her to do it even more.
    • They also like to do it when bathing with each other, though they’re very cautious so they don’t get hurt from slipping.
    • When he goes down on her, he has this thing with caressing her everywhere. It drives her crazy just because she’s so sensitive.
    • Sometimes, they like to have clothed sex. The timidness is still there with them, but sometimes they’re too needy and impatient to worry about all of their layers.