


4 years, 5 months ago


The Seer

Protective . Headstrong . Broody . Temperamental

Name Morrigan
Called Mor, Morri, The Morrigan, Battle Crow
Gender Male
Age 300+
DoB January 3
Sign Capricorn
Height 6'3"
Build Slender but muscled
Race Crow Halfling
Role Dethroned King
MBTI INTJ | The Architect
Theme Mausoleum


  • Smoking
  • Hiking
  • Poetry
  • Brooding


  • Lack of control
  • Idiots
  • Tight Spaces
  • Maeve


Morrigan grew up the firstborn and only son of Bran and Sabina, old rulers of the Court of Shadows. He was born just minutes AFTER Neamhain, and his merciless father, true to archaic patriarchal values as he is, absolutely hated this and always reminded Morrigan of this throughout his childhood. Bran made the two of them spar constantly, and, because Neamhain was terrified of what her father would do if she didn't fight honestly, she always won. Even after their coming-of-age ceremonies, wherein young Shadow Court Fae receive their full power set by giving up a part of themselves to the Shadows, Morrigan was still seen as relatively meek in his father's eyes.

Morrigan caught Maeve, then a Spring Court Faery and handmaiden to Lady Philomena, trying to break into the Shadow Court's forbidden libraries. He foolishly placed trust in her, vowing not to become his father, and let her borrow spell books to study other forms of magic. A friendship, maybe something more, formed. Maeve soon stumbled across Carman, who realized she could use the tree nymph as a Trojan horse to break into the Court of Shadows. She twisted Maeve's mind and the nymph goes dark, shedding her Springly appearance as she undergoes the Shadow Ritual and gives up that part of herself. The uprising happened soon after, and Neamhain and Morrigan began to work the binding spell to stop Carman. It sorely backfired, resulting in Carman's essence becoming trapped inside Macha's body, but not before she threw spells at both Morrigan and Neamhain in fury, binding him to Maeve and banishing his twin, never to be found again.




Ex From Hell

These two dorks two hit it off after exchanging books. But Maeve decided to run off and be a boss ass bitch, took over his Court, and chained him to her ankle for 200 years. Stan.



Mortal Enemy

A witch that destroyed his life, and now lives it up in his younger sister, Macha's body. Rude.


Neamhain, Macha, Brangwen


He would do anything for them, even if some of them wouldn't return the favor (cough, cough, MACHA). Is most closely connected to Neamhain, his twin.



Best Friend

She was an annoyingly bright force in his life, but she ultimately grew on him, damn it.