


4 years, 6 months ago


Title Here

Chaotic Good. Lesbian. Hippy.

 Name Aphelion
 Called Alphie
 Age 21-years old
 DoB 07/15/5377
 Gender Female
 Height 5'0ft
 Race Lombax
 Role Mechanic Apprentice
 Demeanor Free-thinker, boisterous, Magnetic
 HTML Eggy


Described as a hippy by lombax standards, Aphelion is a free-thinking, stubborn, and independent spirit who has a strong love for fun and wouldn't have it any other way. Traits that often tend to push or pull people away to towards her. She's proud of who she is as a person, and will challenge anyone who challenges her on her beliefs or try to get them to think for themselves and encourages this when she sees it. Despite this, most are drawn to her for her magnetic and boisterous personality, she always seems to bring fun and life to any room she walks into, and her caring and friendly nature only pulls people to her more.


Alphie growing up was always the unhinged, wild child that looked for trouble and adventure at every turn. Having grown up in a time where the lombaxes were still coming back to their family's dimension, and with her parents, aunt, grandparents, and even some family friends like Gary and Clank as her only examples of what lombaxes should be like, and with them really just being more themselves rather than what was considered a stereotypical lombax, she and her siblings were more left to figure things out on their own. Due to this, Alphie became a wild, free-thinking spirit that was happy to do for herself. This however caused people to look at her in a different light and give their uncalled-for opinions, opinions that she was happy to shut down and argue against. Just because she was a lombax, didn't mean she had to be a gifted engineer, scientist, or mechanic. All she ever wanted was to be herself, and even more so as time marched on and Alphie began to find herself. By 18-years old, she and a group of her friends banded together and ran off to live the lives they wanted, with a few other young lombaxes among them. It was here that she found herself in a relationship with another bax, and for a few years, the band of misfits were happy with each other. 

But sadly their good times weren't meant to last, as the friends began to grow up and grow apart, so too their little band, and by twenty-one, the young lombax returned home. Not long after being home, Aphelion fell mysteriously and the family couldn't figure out what was going on at first. After a visit to the doctor's, it turned out she was pregnant. At first, she didn't know how to react slowly falling into the stages of grief as her head spun with the news for months. But eventually, she came around to the fact she was going to have a child and began to work to become the mother she knew the child would need. Nowadays, she works with Ratchet in his garage to help support herself and her son.


  • Hoverbooting
  • hoverbikes
  • Piercings
  • Tattoos


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  • Racing
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Her voice claim is a youtuber named "Detective Calico

Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus.

Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo.




Little sister

The pair had a close relationship growing up and even remained fairly close during Alphie's time away. Though there are times where Alphie feels like Jupiter often hides her emotions, or is closed off. Alphie wants her to open up but whenever she pries, Jupiter only shuts down. Still, she does try to be there and support her through whatever's going on.



Little Sister

Aphelion has always known that Mercury has looked up to her, and feels pride in this. Even seeing some of herself in Mercury, and fostering that independence and individuality that's sprouting. But at the same time, she sees her sister heading down a troubled road and fights with herself often about bettering her little sister as a person or letting Merc live her own life.



Older Brother

Growing up, Aphelion always went to Orion for anything. Even the older didn't have much to say to the other's ramblings, she always appreciated going to him in good or hard times. Even while she was away, the siblings kept in touch and she updated him often on what was going on in her world. When she came back, it was a relief to find he was still the same, stoic, firm big brother he always was.