


3 years, 8 months ago


Jupiter Ophiuchus Azimuth

Questioning. neutral good. loving.

 Name Jupiter
 Called Juppy (by her sisters)
 Age 14-years old
 DoB 10/17/5383
 Gender Female
 Height 5'1 ft
 Race lombax
 Role Apprentice Mechanic
 Demeanor Quiet, Depressed, Kind
 HTML Eggy


Jupiter is a kind, young, lombax who tends to keep herself closed off, often putting up a front with a soft smile, and some self-deprecating humor as a means to hide her depression. She's a loving, creative individual who is most often seen as a beacon for the strange, outcast and the loners at school. She's easily approached and very down to earth and often shows them empathy understanding that some people need love. Those who are lucky to call her a friend have realized that she's loyal and earnest in her intentions and is often upfront with them or is seen protecting them from the other school bullies, though sadly this gets her bullied in return, something she often brushes off though inside it tears her up inside and uses her creativity as a means to cope with these problems.

Jupiter is the youngest child of Ratchet and Nevina, and the twin sister of Mercury. Along with her siblings, she too grew up during the restoration period on Fastoon. As children, the twins and their older sister Alphie were all close to each other and the few friends they did have. But as time went on, the trio slowly began to drift apart as Mercury got caught up in the shenanigans that she and her friends cause, and Aphelion became a young mother and had to help Ratchet run his shop in order to support her son. Thus leaving Jupiter feeling left behind and alone. Things only got worse as she went into high school and became a target of bullying for standing up for those at school who were deemed the social misfits. But she always tried to hide how it made her feel, while those she stood up for were often appreciative and welcomed her friendship and welcomed her into their small band of misfits, whom she gladly bonded with. Most of her time is spent with her friends online, using her creativity as a means to cope and collaborate with those friends to create a virtual world or play video games to give them all a place to escape from reality.


  • Video games
  • Chemistry
  • Sleep
  • Botany


  • School
  • Lunch period
  • Math
  • Being watched while she works


  • Playing MMORPGs
  • Drawing/Writing
  • Creating video games/comics
  • Working on ships with Ratchet




At one point she thought of becoming a bounty hunter, she knows people out in the world need love and she wants to show that to them.

She's surprisingly a horror fan and has a huge collection of horror games, movies, and comics. She often tries to get her friends to watch/play/read them.

Jupiter uses her creativity to cope with how lonely she feels, even as much as friends try their best to be there for her. But she does show how much she loves them.

She has an odd fascination with death and magic, and she does her best to hide save for one friend that knows and gladly explores those interests with her.

Her outfit was taken from an unused one they'd created for Rivet, I might make a few more tweaks to it to make it stand out from that outfit.




Twin sister

As children, the pair were thick as thieves. But as middle school rolled around, Mercury began to drift away from her twin, wanting to be her own person and thus leaving Jupiter behind. She'd ask if she could come along, but each time ended awkwardly or Jupiter feeling out of place. There are times she tries to reach out and spend time with her sister, but she feels like it's useless, as she feels unheard or it's too awkward to talk to her.



Older sister

Even with a six-year age gap, she was still very close to Alphie, even now she offers to often babysit for her sister. She knows her older sister worries about her and knows something is wrong but knowing that Alphie has a lot to worry about, Jupiter doesn't let her in very much or lies about what's bothering her, which leads to Alphie getting annoyed but in the young bax's mind, she thinks she's doing the right thing.



Best Friend

The pair met their freshman year of high school, she saved Vega from nearly getting stepped on while on her way to class. She often lets Vega ride on her shoulder to keep her safe, and is often the one she talks to, but doesn't tell Vega much because she doesn't want to burden her friend, even with Vega pleading with her to talk to her. But in the end, the duo just sit with each other quietly waiting for the moment to pass until things are better again.