Zurie Layla Hyuuton



4 years, 6 months ago


Zurie Layla Hyuuton

I often look at my hands and I feel like I killed someone.
Basic Info

Nickname Zuzu, Riri
Job E-girl, Freelance artist
Age 22
Birthday 16th April
Gender Female
Pronouns She/They
Orientation Heterosexual
Boyfriend Logan Aamodt
Height 1,47 m
Voiceclaim 春猿火
Design Notes

  • Freckles
  • Naturally really curly hair
  • Simple tattoos in completely random places
  • Tongue, belly button, hooha & ears piercings
  • Scars all over the body (self-harm and not only)

  • Zurie speaks fluent English, Russian & Japanese.
  • Comes from rich, fucked up "foster" family.
  • Lives in a small flat located in M1.
  • Her bedroom is all in pastelish colors, fancy patterns and it's a mess.
  • Has at least one panic attack a day (it's mostly shaking) and she still doesn't know if something certain causes it.
  • Smokes cigarettes, but not that often.
  • Owns a driving license, but hardly ever uses it.
  • Owns a gun, a collection of fancy knives, box cutters and scissors. Doesn't use any of these.
  • Owns a huge amount of stuffed animals and porcelain dolls.
  • Owns the equipment to make tattoos all by herself.
  • Used to play piano and violin, but doesn't do that anymore.
  • Can't take care of animals and plants.
  • Might faint from doing sudden activities.
  • Maybe able to kill, but majority of people she meets are way more strong than her. Her height, weight and strength is the barrier to even defend herself.


Zurie basically has no common sense in interacting with people, that's why she makes basically everyone freak out when they meet her in person. She NEVER approaches anyone first, but if you approach her, she becomes really friendly and talks a lot. Says many things that might be unsettling and there are things that shouldn't be said in exact moment. Mixes jokes with depressing sentences which is mostly found unsettling and confusing as hell. Also has no idea of personal space and tends to touch a lot: hold hands, cup your face with her hands, hug, even give a peck(?) kiss on cheek.

Well, that's how she behaves when you don't know each other much - so that means you might never want to interact with her again while you didn't get to know her better when she gets more comfortable and smooth with you.

Zurie has severe mood swings from hyperactive to really low and she has hard time controlling it, even if she tries her best. She's love-, touch- and affection-starved. Falls in love easily and might do anything for you if you just treat her kindly and you clearly want to spend time with her. Might be seen as someone really naive, while she just wants to have a friend, literally anyone. Desperate and risky at this point.

She will take care of you, shower you with little handmade things, foods, drinks, buy you gifts. Really dedicated. Will show you lots affection most of the time. Scared of losing you, tends to ask sometimes if you're her, if you belong to only her, if you won't leave her, if you won't hurt her. Even if these words might seem really possesive, they don't mean anything dangerous. She'd understand it at some point if you actually decide to leave her, yet it will break her heart completely.

When she gets REALLY used to you, she's way more passive and calm. Can get even a bit sassy and teasy.

• Possibility that she might have either Borderline Personality Disorder or Bipolar Disorder (not diagnosed)
• Seen as optimistic, but something makes her really anxious and scared
• Passive


  • Fashion (fav: Decora Harajuku)
  • Cute hairpins & hairbands
  • Pastel colors
  • Sharp objects
  • Colorful flowers
  • Sunny weather, sunsets
  • Junk food
  • Energy drinks
  • Sweets
  • (Cooking) weird/dangerous food combinations
  • Tea, coffee
  • Stuffed animals
  • Sewing
  • Porcelain dolls
  • Cute, fluffy things
  • Sleeping, laying in bed
  • Makeup
  • Abstract, unsettling art
  • Music (fav: J-pop)
  • Singing
  • Playing games
  • Giving/getting affection
  • Little animals (fav: Puppies, Kittens, Fawns)
  • Alcohol (fav: Sweet Wine, Liqueur)

  • Her natural curly hair & freckles (really insecure, doesn't know why though)
  • When she realizes she made someone uncomfortable/freak out
  • Talking about her family (even if she doesn't remember much, it makes her really anxious)

Due to heavy trauma she witnessed from abuse in foster family she lost majority of her memories from when she was born to the point she moved out at age 20.


Baaaby,,, My lovely boy, I love him so much!! The fact that we met while he was burgling into my apartment is wild. :D He treats me like a princess and I love how affectionate he is, by words, by actions, by gifts he gives me. He always makes sure if I'm feeling okay. I care about him a whole lot and I don't want him to get hurt. )):
I love to spend time with this angel;;;;; We have similiar interests and we both love cute stuff!! She's like a younger sister to me,,, She's really sweet and kind, ahhh I legit can't put in words how glad I am to have such a friend! <3<3
Oscar at the very beginning was creeping me out because of the flirting but now I got used to it, I just ignore the flirts!!! I actually find him pretty cool and I don't regret meeting him!
Bau!!! I love her a whole lot!! We usually collab together when it comes to Cosplaying and Twitch streaming! We have a loooot in common and she's such a sweetheart!! <333
Nasty as fuck and pretty much intimidating but we still have a kick to get along well sometimes! I just wish her fun with Oscar... I think???? They get along well!
Maso,,,, I haxe mixed feelings about her!! It's something between cute and cursed tho,,,,,,,
I...I really don't want to remember about my family members but here he is. He didn't trigger any of my memories much though, he just tends to talk with us from time to time, he also has a weird like-dislike bond with Logan and Oscar. Pretty greedy but I don't pay much attention to him.
For some weird reason I fucking remember you. I can recall your name and you trigger pure terror in me.