Barbara Antles



5 years, 1 month ago


Bau Antles

Basic Info

Alias Bau / @ tinyteddyplush
Job Tw!tch streamer
Age 22
Birthday 25th March
Gender Demigirl
Pronouns She/They/He
Orientation Bisexual
Boyfriend "Proxy"
Height 1,50 m
Voiceclaim DAOKO
Design Notes

  • Ears piercings
  • Moles
  • Flat, slim body type
  • Long, thick, soft hair
  • Scars in random places
  • Always wears the necklace she shares with Proxy

  • Dislikes using and hearing her full name, Barbara.
  • Bau is British. Speaks fluent English, French & Russian.
  • Her hometown is Oxford, UK.
  • Lives in a flat located in M1, pretty near to Amelio's apartment.
  • Her bedroom is full of anime merchandise: lots of figurines and posters.
  • Owns a lot of cute stuffed animals.
  • Her bedroom is in pastel blue/pastel pink/white color scheme.
  • Carries a pocket knife with herself.
  • Knows Martial Arts.
  • Owns a Nintendo Switch. Usually plays Animal Crossing.
  • She smells like Latte Coffee.
  • She cooks for most of her friends due to them not eating propely.
  • Likes plants but she can't take care of them properly.
  • Worked as a beautician together with Jenna but dropped it to become a full-time streamer not so long ago.
  • She has a Twitter account (temporarily privated due to nsfw content).


Bau has a pretty neutral approach to people. Generally she's kind but it's easy to tick her off with rude attitude or really poor jokes. Doesn't have much problems with starting new friendships and has no problems with approaching people first. As time passes and you change your attitude to a worse one, she will treat you with the same attitude back. Has many not-too-great ideas and sticks to them without much thinking; basically does things before thinking first and sometimes she does need a reminder that some ideas she wants to make real are not the best things to do. Frienships she makes with people are really long-lasting as she's loyal and stubborn to keep in touch with people she cares about and she got attached to. Would easily risk her life to protect people that are dear to her and she takes action to make sure they're safe immediately, no matter in what situation she is herself.

• Passive/aggressive


  • Her job
  • Partying
  • Alcohol
  • Meeting new people
  • Hanging out with others
  • Night time
  • Stargazing
  • Cute stuff
  • Fashion (fav: Decora Harajuku)
  • Soft affection
  • Doing make-up
  • Cosplaying
  • Kittens
  • Sweets, sugary food
  • Spicy food
  • Junk food
  • Weed
  • Cooking & baking
  • Energy drinks (fav: Monster)
  • Sewing
  • Plants, flowers
  • Watching Anime & K-drama
  • Reading Manga
  • Playing video games

  • Conflicts
  • Rude attitude without any reason
  • Yelling
  • People dear to her getting hurt/being in danger
  • Pressuring/forcing her to do things
  • Perverts, nasty people



Our first interaction was a heated argument at the club that ended up with drunk aggressive making out and that was hot as fuck. I simply wanted to befriend him but in reality I felt since almost the very beginning that... I felt something more to him? Long story short I'm happy that it turned out that we feel the same way. I'm glad to be someone who he can trust and open up to about how he feels. I'm willing to protect him at all costs and I'm willing to do my best to put that beautiful smile on his face as often as it's just possible. He deserves the best from this world and he deserves to be happy. I love you Proxy, I can't even put in words how much. I'm the happiest person on earth to be your girlfriend.
Older brother figure. I'm really glad I have him in my life because he's absolutely a wonderful person, even though he's chaotic as fuck too at times. He's really loyal to his friends. He probably knows the most about from the circle of my current friends but it's still not much haha.
I would literally risk my life at any moment to protect her from any harm but sometimes I want to break her neck as well. Our personalities are really similiar and that ends up with lots of arguing and fights which are really hurtful to me, obviously. I know she cares about me a lot though. I'm trying to be the best comfort to her, because no matter how close we are, she never opened up either to me or Amelio at all and that makes me simply worried.
Gion tags along with us during collab streams quite a lot! I've known him for years, I had many situations with him where I got to know him more and I really mean the best for him, he's a really good guy and I know he just wants to be happy and he wants to share that happiness with everyone around him. I'm always willing to support and protect him, really.
He tends to tag along with us while he's high as shit and we actually bully him all together. He makes us laugh with his sense of humor and we care about his wellbeing no matter what. I just used to... argue with him quite often. But I'm glad he's in a happy relationship now, really. I wish him the best things in life.
We never were too close with each other but I'm glad you're here. It's good to be friends with you, you're genuine. I see you really rarely tho.
We know each other for a year or two already I think??? We do lots of Tw!tch streams together and we also go to Cosplay Events together. We have lots of similiar interests and I love to spend my time with her!! She's so cheerful!!
The absolute mood setter! I love to do collab streams along with her and Zurie, it's always so much fun! I tend to hang out with her outdoors from time to time as well, I love how vocal and courageous she is.~
I didn't get to interact with Kennie much but he seems kind and cheerful? Whenever we talked he had that nice aura around him. He's also really skilled in many tihngs, I love to see that! Keep up the great work, nice guy!
Fuuuuuuckiiiinggg brooooo she's so so cool and nice. It's so easy to talk with her and she's so chill with everything... Her passive chaotic energy is just *chef's kiss*.
Aero is a baby I love to see around! I make sure they don't feel bad for bumping into people while going down- or upstairs. They're really kind.
I don't interact with him often but I indeed see him on the chat during streams and I see him in person whenever he visits Gion. A really chill person who is easy to approach, he's responsible as well. I'm glad to see how nicely he takes care of Gion.
I used to see him more back in the day when he was dating Gion but even now we still interact on social media randomly. This guy is fucking whack, I'd definitely smoke weed with him again lol. He looks irresponsible as fuck but in reality I know how deeply he cares about people's wellbeing. He's a good guy, really.
I know him since Proxy took him for the maid outfit photoshoot...? Anyways Beau turned out to be a really sweet and genuine person. He moved out not so long ago and I don't get to see him much anymore but still, I'm looking forward to interact with him more someday, definitely!
We clicked the moment we saw each other. Everyone thinks we hate each other to bits and we want to murder each other but we actually just hang out this way! We just insult and beat up each other, that's hella fun for me and for him probably as well! I haven't seen him for a while too now tho. :[ I hope he's doing alright!
Uh, get lost.
I guess I haven't seen more annoying whore than Eve in this town yet. I don't see her often but when I do I'm about to go ape shitt each time. Fuck off.
Bitch I'll kill you. 😂
Uh, even though Amelio told me to stay away from you, you still needed to start approaching me all by yourself, right? Get lost, I'll break you in half you little whiny fuck lol.