


7 years, 7 months ago


  • Name Pamf Underson
  • Planet Victoria
  • DOB 1/1/1431
  • Gender (trans)Male
  • Height 5'11"
  • Species Victorian Dominant
  • Role General
  • Orientation Don't Know
  • Demeanor Lawful Considerate

Pamf Underson is the general of the Victorian army and has earned the title of "Greatest Swordsman in the Galaxy." He is highly respected by other Nebulans, if not downright feared by them. His love and protectiveness for his fellow Victorians is at odds with his general bleeding heart for anyone else in need. He regards most of his worst actions as a "must do", and a "this hurts me more than it hurts you." Ultimately he prefers diplomacy, but knows action is an inevitability in his life. Pamf is one of the oldest living Victorians.


Much of Victoria's last few hundred years, and by extension Pamf's earlier years, are lost to the ages. The priorities on the planet shifted as the fate of the planet tipped closer to an inevitable extinction, or escape. What is certain is Pamf was no less caught up in this than any other given Victorian. The oldest creatures on other planets start noting Pamf as an elite in Victoria's army a little over 300 years ago, and then quickly becoming their new general after the previous one passed away.

As an elite and as a general, Pamf very quickly established himself as a formidable opponent and merciless in action. He has been the one to put exceptional pressure on other planets and plays the most dominant role in any intergalactic summit. The quinquennial Championships have long been a question of "does anyone stand a chance against General Underson this time" as the swift swordfighter locks Victoria in as top of the nebulan hierarchy once more.


  • Tea
  • Books
  • A good sweat


  • Showing Skin
  • Anything sexual
  • Living in a moral greyzone oop

Roleplay Storyline



Whirlwind Sword

A slightly thicker rapier decorated with a winged guard and made from a strong, dark metal. It whirrs quickly, whipping up wind but truly acting as a devastating, sharp drill capable of piercing bone and stone with ease. It is less flexible and swift than the other swords but good at blocking.

Baldric Sword

A long rapier with an elegant but heavily lopsided guard. On cue by its wielder, it can go entirely limp and flexible as a rope. In an instant, it can go straighten right back out. It can double as a whip and deals a cruel amount of gashes when used correctly. It can be especially difficult to use in tight spaces, but great against tough, defensive enemies.

Brume Sword

Otherwise called the ghost rapier. Heavily enchanted, this gothic silvery rapier gives off a bit of mist and gradually drops the temperature of a room passively. There is no turning this off; only in anti-magic or dispelling spaces. The sword can become incorporeal, usually on command but it is tempermental and should not be relied upon in defense for even a moment.

Nostalgic Sword

A vicious looking sword with a guard that has thin blades overhanging like wings on either side of it, pointed inward. Heavily enchanted, the sword propels an individual backwards in time at the smallest knick. Often results in them mistepping, falling, or flinging them through the air. Can heal wounds, but does not heal the Nostalgic's cuts. This is Pamf's favorite sword.


Buy the Stars - Marina and the Diamonds

It's Over Isn't It - Deedee Magno Hall

Goodbye, I'll Miss You - Adam Gubman/Miranda Kalagian/Jake Berry



[ My Elite ]

I positively loathe this dragon... He has never been good company, he is uncouth, cruel, he is downright repulsive. After the death of his mate, I have only found myself growing more and more afraid of this beastly man. I wish I could be free of him, but I know this may never be so...



[ Friend ]

Once my enemy, now one of my dearest friends. We rarely get to see each other but I cherish the time we do get to have together.



[ Rival ]

We must be enemies but it has never been personal with you. I hold you in such high regard. Maybe in another life, another time we could have become friends. Perhaps someday we still could be?

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