Basic Info

Full Name:


Responds to:






Age(As Coaster):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Tracy Elitch



Height(As Humanoid):



Mr. Twister(Old Elitch Gardens)(Father),Twister 3: Storm Chaser(New Elitch Gardens)(Fraternal Twin Sibling)

Date Of Birth/Opening:

July 24th, 1999

Date Of Death/Closure:


Location In Park:




Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Knoebels, John Fetterman, and John Allen.


As the “wilder” woodie of the park, Twist is the textbook example of a rebellious teen (though ironically, she’s in her twenties); leather jacket, rock fan, unkempt hair- she has it all (though she’s definitely more “bark” than “bite”). Twister, as suggested by her name, can create tornadoes. As a side-effect of her powers, her hair always looks like it’s being blown by wind (even if there’s no wind in the area); it’s quite the rare sight to see her hair sitting idle. While she can normally keep her generated tornadoes under control, strong negative emotions can cause this power to go haywire. Twister is a musician, and has been since the day her coaster opened. A fan of rock music, she is proficient when it comes to playing the guitar and bass. As such, she frequently collaborated with Whirlwind (though a more “sunny” person, had the energy and skills to match Twister’s guitar-playing) and HSTC (who admired his “cool older sister” and enjoyed the fact that the two were “rebels at heart”) when the two were around. Nowadays, she mostly performs as a solo act (but occasionally gets BD to lead as a vocalist). Despite the contrast in personalities, Twist and Phoenix were able to click instantly. Phoe’s desire to see another wooden coaster at Knoebels was fulfilled with her addition and he respected her for being the result of an effort to preserve a vintage coaster. Twist does like to rag on Phoe by calling him “Old Man”, but she does with love (something that took Phoe a bit to realize). More importantly, Twister has proven to be someone Phoe can always lean on for emotional support, as he sometimes lets the self-made pressure to be a “leader” consume him. Twister tends to hang out more with the other female members of her family (Black Diamond and Kozmo), though it doesn't mean that she treats FT and/or Impulse poorly. Twister has some familial relationships outside of Knoebels as well; her brother Twister 3: Storm Chaser and “Uncle” Sidewinder at Elitch Gardens, who she tries to visit at least once every year. While she obviously never got to meet the coaster responsible for her existence, Mr. Twister, she has learned a lot about her late dad over the years and holds much respect for the older woodie. But under her confident exterior is someone who is worried about the future of Elitch Gardens, hoping that the city will change its mind and leave the remaining few living remnants of her dad alone. Additionally Twister was, if for a somewhat brief moment, concerned about her coaster’s popularity and wondered if being an all-wooden coaster was the right thing for her (but it turns out that many humans actually prefer her over Phoe, which was just the thing to shake this insecurity away). Twister’s coaster is an example of how an “airtime-light” wooden coaster can still provide a stellar ride, and Twister herself is more than happy to express herself through the strings of her guitar!