Basic Info

Full Name:

Kozmo's Kurves

Responds to:






Age(As Coaster):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Katie Kopel



Height(As Humanoid):




Date Of Birth/Opening:

August 1st, 2009

Date Of Death/Closure:


Location In Park:



E&F Miller Industries

Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Knoebels, E&F Miller Industries


Despite her coaster being over a decade old at this point, Kozmo is still the youngest member of the Knoebels family. Filled to the brim with childish glee but still mature for her age, Kozmo is an expert on camping and the outdoors. She owns a few books relating to that subject and even has a scout’s sash she occasionally wears (some kid had left it at the park one day and it never got picked up). She loves to hold sleepovers in empty cabins with her friends/siblings. Phoe, being the oldest coaster, is her loving “dad”, always there to support her. Twist is her “cool older sister” and a frequent target of Kozmo’s braiding skills (she thinks Twist’s hair needs to be tamed). Black Diamond is a “movie/show buddy” who sucks her into whatever is the newest and greatest thing and is willing to get her hands dirty alongside Kozmo’s when they hike together. Flying Turns is always willing to take her up in the air or on his shoulders for a “scouting session”; the two like to fly out to the campgrounds and find “the best spots”, which changes each year. Impulse, her “best bestie”, likes to educate her on the scientific side of nature and happily plays along with Kozmo. This can cause some issues when he does reckless things that the easily-impressionable Kozmo would want to try for herself, but bar a few noted incidents, she has managed to keep herself out of trouble...for now. Finally, Kozmo's only heard of HSTC in passing, but she hopes that she'll find out more about the coaster that her coaster replaced someday. Perfectly embodying the spirit of a coaster like her's, Kozmo will always be someone who's "young at heart".