


4 years, 4 months ago




"Hail to the king."
Basic Info

Name Silvain
Age 25
Gender Male
BirthdayJanuary 12th
Height 7'0" / 215 cm
Weight 250 lbs / 115 kg
Ear Type Dragon fins
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation King
S.O. Amber
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Crossbreed 186
Value $150 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • The scales and gems on his leg don't need to be 100% accurate, just the general areas/amounts are fine!
  • Please color-pick off his reference!
  • His tail does have scales as well, please don't forget them!

  • Crossbreed traits include; scales, blue blood, fin ears, four horns (can glow / inflame depending on emotional state), eyes glow at will, large retractable wings, glowing / fiery chest, retractable claws, gemstones growing on stocking, cracked rock leg with molten silver inside, silver hooves, sexy
  • Can shapeshift into a large dragon capable of breathing blue flames. He's a particularly skilled weapon on the battlefield for his kingdom due to his unique ability.
  • While he's not the only dragon shapeshifter of the era, he's certainly the most impressive and the largest. However, he's been known to slaughter anyone else who boasts of being a dragon shapeshifter, so those who remain keep their mouths shut about their abilities.
  • His crown is made to resemble the top of his stocking, and the crown is made of the molten silver he produces. It was a particularly painful process extracting enough for the crown, but it was seen as a symbol of the king's strength and dedication to the role!
  • Though he has not officially married, he insists on being referred to as "king", rather than "prince".

Silvain is a cunning, decisive, and cutthroat leader who believes the best defense is a good offense. He's quick to jump to conclusions, option to act first and ask questions later. He's deeply dedicated to his role and loyal to a fault. Earning his loyalty, however, is another task entirely. He's highly intelligent, but often uses this quality for ethically questionable behavior rather than for good. Surprisingly, he's true to his word, but any offerings from him are few and far between. He's incredibly self-centered and becomes aggressive (potentially even violent) when he isn't getting his way.

He is foolhardy and often doesn't know when enough is truly enough. With most matters, he is amoral and rather acts upon his own whims. He has a certain charismatic charm to him, but only to those who aren't afforded the privilege of getting to know him. He often acts in a deceitful and malicious manner to make a point of something, or an example of someone. He's observant, always intently waiting for others to falter or leave vulnerabilities visible, and when he sees them he exploits whatever ammunition he's gathered at his leisure.

Overall, he's a strong leader with a strong cult of personality. He can and will get away with essentially whatever he desires. While he acts mainly in self interest, his citizens do not go without, either. His self interest mainly revolves around what would be best for himself and his image within his kingdom, and to him a strong image is founded upon happy subjects.


  • War and battles / physical fights of any kind. Of course, he'd refer to it as defending his title, but of course... most combat that Silvain drives his kingdom into is unnecessary and just an excuse to appease his bloodlust and desire to show his strength. Considering that he's happy to go onto the battlefield, at least he isn't all bark and no bite.
  • Attention. Above all things, Silvain loves attention and flattery. He won't say as much, but he does.
  • His kingdom. Whether it be from a place of genuine love or from one of the status it brings him, Silvain does care about his kingdom on some level. He would never leave them to go without, but he also believes that he's the best leader they'll ever see, so it's unclear if he fights for his kingdom so strongly due to a love for them or a love for the admiration it brings him.

  • Threats of capturing, killing, or otherwise bringing harm to his person. He doesn't take kindly to people who can't live up to their own word, and given how strong of an opponent he is, it's highly unlikely anyone would be able to take him down. If they tried, he most certainly wouldn't let them off easily.
  • Treason. Following the same vein, he takes treason incredibly seriously, and often takes the punishment for this crime into his own hands.
  • Not getting his way. He's been quite spoiled his whole life, and telling him "no" is essentially a death sentence. Unless you can convince him not to do something, he'll probably just do it anyways.

Silvain is the sole heir to the throne. As such, he's been spoiled from the moment that he entered this world, and he'll continued to live in the lap of luxury until the day he dies. In his realm, crossbreeds are a huge rarity, and are seen as bringing prosperity to all who come into contact with them. While his parents and much of his royal lineage are also crossbreeds, none were quite as overt as he, and certainly none more befitting to their kingdom's crest and throne. With his piercing blue eyes and features, he was marked as an even more perfect fit for a kingdom who's royal crest was the very same shade. When his stockings grew in, it was only made even more apparent that he'd been born to lead them, as they came in bearing the major elements of their family crest - gemstones, silver, and scales that only strengthened his parallels with the dragon that so embodied their kingdom's propensity for demanding submission from other kingdoms through intimidation and, if necessary, action. His crown was forged soon after his stockings grew in, as the very same molten silver and gemstones were used to create his crown.

Given how strongly Silvain embodies his kingdom, he's adored by his citizens. While he's certainly not one to shy away from victory through violence, he does his best to ensure his people have everything they need to remain happy. He's trying to maintain his rule, after all. Of course, he doesn't let word spread too far about how they became and continue to be so prosperous - Silvain has a strong propensity for starting wars over just about anything, and even fights on the battlefield himself. Most of his council are against him putting himself directly into harm's way, but given his skill in combat and the ace up his sleeve (his ability to take the form of a dragon), he's never encountered a scenario that he couldn't emerge victorious from.

World Info

Silvain lives in a world much different to the modern day. Kingdoms reign and those with the most territory are the most powerful. Silvain holds the most territory in his entire region, looking to satiate his bloodlust in battle rather than to work things out with neighboring kingdoms peacefully. Neighboring kingdoms fear Silvain's, and often do their best to avoid battle at all cost. Silvain's citizens are fed lies about other kingdoms, being told that they're all planning to attack them and that Silvain's war path is all to keep them safe. As such, inside of his kingdom Silvain is highly regarded, and those who oppose him keep their mouths shut. Silvain resides in a large, beautiful castle, and the kingdom's colors are a royal blue and silver. Due to Silvain's physical features matching the values of his kingdom, Silvain is often regarded as a leader born to his position and appointed by a higher power. Silvain's kingdom highly values crossbreed traits, as to them they're seen as symbols of strength and resilience. With Silvain's consistent warfare and willingness to put himself in danger on the front lines, his kingdom thoroughly believes in and cherishes him.


OBEY - Finnley ft. Fukase
You'll Be Back - Annapantsu


Secret Lover
Amber is Silvain's confidant, and Sil's taken quite an interest in him... He's the only one who's ever really been able to get close to him, and while Sil isn't the best at expressing his emotions, we're all pretty sure Amber's got the message, loud and clear ;3c
Lyndon isn't exactly a threat to Silvain, but he's not so weakly defended that Sil will go pick a fight over nothing... that doesn't change Sil thinking that Lyndon's bleeding heart is hilariously pathetic, though.