


2 years, 9 months ago




"Please, allow me."
Basic Info

Name Lyndon / "Lynn"
Age 26
Gender Male
BirthdayJune 21st
Height 6'0" / 185 cm
Weight 177lbs / 80kg
Ear Type Deer
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Prince
S.O. Faylene
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 7127
Value $70 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • He's lean, but muscular! He's got a bit of a soft face but it's still pretty masculine overall.
  • Cape and crown are not optional.
  • Please color-pick off his reference!
  • Don't forget his beauty mark! On the lower left (his right) between his chin and lip!
  • His jewelry is not optional! He has earring studs in both ears as well as various metallic accents.

  • His kingdom prides itself on turquoise and bronze. It treasures these rarities and uses them as symbols of wealth and power.
  • Even though he's friendly, he doesn't have a lot of close friends due to his status as a prince, much to his disdain.
  • He's especially skilled with a sword, and even though he personally doesn't participate in combat all that often, he can hold his own when necessary. He does routine training to maintain his skill, and can often be caught practicing around the castle grounds.
  • While he has a big heart for those in need, he finds romance difficult. He gets along with just about everyone, but no one feels like "the one" to him.
  • He's a shapeshifter! Though he doesn't use this skill very often, he's able to shift into a small, fuzzy dragon. He's not exactly intimidating, but he keeps this ability a secret in order to avoid provoking Silvain, who's been known to slay other dragon shapeshifters.

Lyndon is a kind, benevolent ruler over his kingdom. While confident and skilled with a sword, he most certainly isn't the bold or brash type. He's calculated, and tries to only take steps that have high likelihood of benefitting his kingdom. He thinks often of others before himself, and his heart is easily swayed by the emotions of others. Charismatic and charming, Lynn has the reputation of being quite the heartthrob, though he doesn't seem to devote time to pursuing marriage arrangements. He has a warm disposition and friendly tone, speaking even to complete strangers as though they've been friends for a long while - which, of course, is not always diplomatically appropriate, but due to his kingdom's strength, most other kingdoms tolerate his amiable nature, even though Lyndon poses no threat to them unless his kingdom is attacked first. Caring and generous, Lyndon's not one to shy away from helping those in need, though his soft heart may ultimately be his downfall.


  • Warm days with a breeze
  • Birdsong
  • Waking up early

  • Silvain... with a passion
  • Spiders
  • Fire, lightning, or any other massive force of nature

Lyndon's had a sheltered, but spoiled life - he spent most of his childhood within the castle's walls, learning about how to fulfill his responsibilities to the kingdom and all about diplomacy. Even though he's known no desperate hardship of his own, his empathy and care for others is abundantly clear in his selfless desire to help at any cost. His citizens are a hardy sort who shoulder their own burdens, so when Lynn's asked for help, he's heavily inclined to lend a hand. Of course, this culture of dealing with one's troubles silently extends to those in power as well, as Lynn isn't exactly an open book with his own emotions and problems even though he's happy to listen to those of others.

The prince's care for others unfortunately spells trouble for himself more often than his citizens would like, though. Usually, it's benign and ultimately doesn't effect the kingdom all that much, but the kingdom was left reeling after Lyndon accepted a lofty request. Eris, a former member of the royal guard for the neighboring tyrant king Silvain, had been living quietly under his kingdom's protection after Silvain's attempt on her life for quite some time. Now, however, she came to him with a plea for help in defeating the tyrant king once and for all. She and a small group of rebels had concocted a plan to topple him, using her intimate knowledge of the tyrant king and the castle's grounds as well as the rebel group's research. Lyndon, seeing the value in removing Silvain from the diplomatic playing field, agreed. He believed in the cause so wholeheartedly that he volunteered himself to fight on the front lines as well - a decision that would return to haunt him soon enough.

The intel on Silvain wasn't enough. Though they'd caught his castle by surprise, his military might was too great, leading to huge losses for Lyndon's army. Lyndon and Eris, as well as a few rebels, managed to make their way to Silvain though. After a long fight, Silvain fled his crumbling castle, however Lyndon would not be so lucky. Lyndon was badly wounded from the battle already, and was not able to escape the castle as it crumbled, leaving him trapped under the weight of stone and debris. What Lyndon doesn't know is that crushing him was an intentional action taken by Silvain, who was certain that this final blow would kill the prince. He survived, though only barely. The effects of his injuries were long lasting, requiring intensive care and long rest periods. It took him an immense amount of work and effort to regain his strength, but he managed to do so, and now stands as a symbol of his kingdom's strength and resilience.

World Info

Lyndon lives in a world much different to the modern day. Kingdoms reign and those with the most territory are the most powerful. His kingdom holds lots of territory, but not quite as much as Silvain's does due to his unwillingness to start conflict over nothing. His kingdom fears Silvain's, and he does his best to avoid battle at all cost. Lynn's kingdom is considered to have lots of personal freedom - citizens are allowed to criticize the government without fear, and people are free to live their lives as they please (granted that they aren't a danger to society). Due to this, their government is met with slight opposition from time to time, but for the most part their citizens are happy and content with their lives within his land. Their kingdom features lots of greenery and highly values nature and all it has to offer, and they do their best to preserve their forests and groves for everyone's enjoyment. Overall, the kingdom is full of good people who were either born within it, or came seeking refuge from Silvain's aggression. Lyndon resides in a castle, modestly sized as far as castles go, in a clearing surrounded by thick woods and wildlife.




Love interest
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Lynn really likes Eris! She's brave and confident, but very calm and collected about it. He thinks her to be a trustworthy friend of the crown, even though it's not of her home kingdom.
Lynn loathes Silvain. A prince who starts wars at the drop of a hat and manipulates his citizens is no prince at all! Thinks him to be quite the loathsome beast, but due to his aggressive disposition and his having manpower to back it up, Lynn leaves his kingdom well enough alone.