Shade Rivers



4 years, 4 months ago


Do what you want to whenever you want to
Name Silvain Jaeger Klein Rivers

Age 207 (~32)

Birthday January 28, 1812

Gender Male (He/Him)

Species Wolf Cambion

Height 180 cm (5'11")

Orientation Bisexual

Job Guitarist



  • Adventuring and exploring
  • Music
  • Anthropology
  • Craft beer and breweries

  • Strawberries
  • Early mornings
  • Being cooped up inside
  • Overreactions

  • Fluent in German, French, Italian, English and Japanese
  • Favorite musicians are Blur and Nirvana
  • Favorite food is ambrosia
  • Scent: Pine and musk
  • INTP - 7w8

Silvain was born on January 28th, 1812, in Hann. Münden, Germany. His parents are Lawrence Rivières and Amelia Klein. Lawrence pursued Amelia one night, and she ended up becoming pregnant due to this encounter. Silvain was raised by his young mother, her parents, and her grandmother for four years in Germany. Before his fourth birthday, a sickly man named William also lived with them, until it was time for him to leave. Then, Lawrence found Shade and brought him back to France. There, Janice Baudin, his step-mother, was surprised to find her husband had cheated on her. However, since Amelia was Lawrence's true soul mate, she completely understood. Shade grew to be the pride of Lawrence, as he excelled in music and worked closely with him in order to become a doctor. When his half-brother, Amber, ran away from home, Shade decided it was time for him to begin working.

Shade traveled the entire world, exploring each and every place he encountered. Soon, however, he quit working as a doctor and instead traveled the world just for the fun of it. He picked up guitar, and in most places he settled, that was how he continued to make money. When he moved to Japan in the late eighties, he met a man named Haruka Domen, with whom he had a rather serious and long relationship with. It wasn't until a familiar set of eyes caught his gaze that he realized Haruka was not the one. A regular named Roku came to the bar Shade worked at nearly every night, and soon, they started seeing in each other in secret. When Shade finally told Haruka, the other man was happy for him. However, Roku disappeared one day. He told Shade that he loved him, and left him with nothing. Shade couldn't feel that wonderful spark anymore. It wasn't until he was teaching guitar at an orphanage that he found some happiness again. A young girl lived in the orphanage, and her name was Kamiko. With help from Haruka, Shade was able to adopt her. The two moved to London, where Shade was finally able to see his younger brother again.


Pet Rivers
Kamiko Nakahara
Asia Rivers