Paris Lavellan



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Paris Lavellan



Place of Birth

Free Marches




Male (He/Him)

Sexual Orientation






DA Class

Rogue- Archer




Paris was a hunter for clan Lavellan who, because of his reliability and level-headedness, was always looked to as a leader among the hunters. Even when the Second, Athim, was around, he was often seen as having more authority, a fact he did not publicly capitalize on. He preferred to explore the forests when their clan passed through them, and enjoyed spending days hunting. He tried to avoid interacting with human villages, though he was polite when he encountered them. 

When they heard of the events of the Conclave, Paris was the hunter chosen to accompany Athim to investigate the Inquisition on their behalf. Though he privately wished to stay behind, he would later be pleased that he was chosen. The Inquisition was an amazing experience for him, and he feels he has emerged from the experience a stronger fighter and more cunning companion. 

He offers unique dialogue related to modern elven culture, herbalism, and survival. He approves of actions/dialogue that support elves both dalish and city, shows open-mindedness about religion, or encourages unity and teamwork. He gets along best with Solas, Cole, and Dorian. He gets along worst with Vivienne, Sera, and Blackwall. 

He has feelings toward Kes, though he is unsure how to proceed considering the Inquisitor's noncommital reputation. He ultimately does not reveal his true feelings, but he never loses his affection for him. 

After the events of the main story, Paris remains with the Inquisition as a field agent and Dalish consultant. He reveals himself as a member of Solas' cause at the end of Trespasser. 

Gets sick really easily. Is regularly just a little bit ill. 

- Quiet - Romantic - Loyal - Self-Reliant - Private - Graceful - Hesitant - Whiny -


  • Long Shot: Paris fires a powerful single shot that delivers more damage the farther he is from the target. It rips through every enemy along its path, doing bonus damage for each extra target it hits.
  • Leaping Shot: Paris dives out of trouble and fires a hail of arrows at the enemies that were trying to close with him. If it hits, he can use the momentum of his leap to do a stronger draw as he comes back to his feet. His next attack, whenever he makes it, will knock down its target.
  • Explosive Shot: Paris fires a powerful shot that explodes on impact, damaging enemies around his target. It knocks back his main target several meters upon detonation.
  • Evasion: Paris leaps away from incoming attacks, putting himself where he needs to be to win this fight. Enemies will swear he’s still there, attacking empty air and hurting nobody but themselves.
  • Throwing Knives: Paris hurls a group of knives at all nearby targets, ripping through their armor and leaving it sundered. When facing fewer targets, Paris groups his knives so that the more blades that hit a single target, the more damage they inflict.
  • Flask of Frost: This flask coats Paris in an icy skin that increases his armor and freezes enemies that strike him in melee range. Shattering enemies while Flask of Frost is active deals damage to other nearby enemies.
  • Flask of Fire: This flask coats Paris in flames that spur him to frenzied action. For a short time, his abilities cost no stamina, and enemies who attack him are knocked backward.
  • Flask of Lightning: This flask sends Paris into a heightened state of incredible speed. Time almost stops on the battlefield, and everyone except him moves much more slowly for a short time. Each enemy he damages while the effect is active takes additional electricity damage when it ends.