Elizabeth Cousland



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Elizabeth Cousland

Appears in




Place of Birth

Highever, Ferelden


22 (Origins), 32 (Inquisition)


Female (She/Her)

Sexual Orientation





Healthy fat and muscle


Coercion, Combat Training, Survival

DA Class

Rogue - Archer / Dual-Wield


Bard, Legionnaire Scout


Elizabeth is the youngest child of House Cousland, and was touted around as a courtly savant. While her brothers Fergus and Wesley were focused on glory in tournaments or hunts, she preferred to study politics and history, though she would join them for hunts when the quarry piqued her interest. She spent a great deal of time traveling, and attended parties with her mother whenever possible once she reached a suitable age. She was considered an eligible wife for Cailan... though she was passed up in favor of Anora, who was betrothed to him since childhood. It's a fact she remains bitter about, even into adulthood. Still, she took her position as a potential heir for the terynir seriously, and was widely expected to take control of her father's position when the time came. Though many nobles proposed, Elizabeth coyly rejected them, waiting for a more enticing match. She never considered love, only her duties and family potential. She was content to bide her time... but fate would push her in an unexpected direction. She was meant to leave with her mother for Denerim, but when Howe betrayed her family and attacked their castle, Elizabeth protected the few servants and the noble guests Iona and Dairren, taking a few guards and escorting them from the city despite her desire to fight. She barely survived the escape, but never got to say goodbye to her parents before they died. 

She later reunites with Wesley, and swears to repay both Rendon Howe and Loghain Mac Tir for their treachery and greed. She became close friends with Alistair, who fell in love with her quickly. When his heritage was revealed, Elizabeth contained her opportunistic instinct in front of the others, but from the moment she heard the word "prince" come out of Alistair's mouth, she was forming a strategy to maneuver him into the position as king, and her, of course, as queen. She found herself subtly preparing Alistair for the hard decisions that he would face once the Landsmeet was called. Even as she focused on preparing for the most rigourous courtly intrigue ever seen in Ferelden, however, she found herself falling for the man she had, up until that point, mainly considered to be a means to an end. 

When the party reaches Denerim, she immediately gets to work making allies and securing support, for the Wardens, but also for herself. She tells Anora that Wesley plans to execute Loghain and has her denounce the Wardens in front of the nobles, only for the Landsmeet to overwhelmingly support the Wardens anyway and have Anora's argument be disproven in front of the crowd. She then swiftly places Alistair as the rightful ruler, with her as his queen. No one in the Landsmeet contests her, and on that day, she considers her scheme complete. Alistair executes Loghain after their duel, Anora is imprisoned, and a Cousland finally claims the Ferelden throne - a feat she dreamt of her entire life. 

With her new title, she granted Wesley authority over the Ferelden Coalition. She and Alistair rallied the Ferelden army at the battle of Denerim, and they both personally saw to the Archdemon's defeat. Afterwards, the two were coronated and wed. They proved to be a strong couple, and Elizabeth worked to earn her position in the eyes of the Ferelden people. 

Together, they have two children, considered to be miracles -- Duncan and Elanor. They possess no taint, though Elizabeth monitors their health closely. 

- Cunning - Persuasive - Subtle - Well-read - Vicious - Strong-willed -

Believes in the Maker, worships rarely

Opinions- Spoilered for length

The Chantry: It should be a place of refuge and worship. She doesn't often go to the nearby one, but she tries to keep a positive relationship with the clerics. They may not present themself as a political faction, but getting on their bad side can do severe damage to one's reputation among the faithful.

Tevinter: A distant nation, a distant problem. As it stands, she has more domestic threats to worry about...

Ferelden: Her home. It's honest and steadfast. She'll guide its recovery and see to its prosperity.

Orlais: She learned a great deal of politics by studying the Game. She respects them, but keeps a close eye on them. She and the empress have only spoken once or twice, and they're... cordial with one another. Celene is likely not too fond of her usurping Anora.

Mages/Magic: A tool, and a useful one at that. The mages she keeps in her inner circle are some of her dearest friends.

Apostates: She has no issue with apostates... it's abominations she despises. The two aren't the same, despite what the Chantry claims. This is an opinion she keeps close to the chest.

Blood magic: The work of demons. It should not be a mage's first instinct. Any mage who even thinks to use it reveals a weakness of character that is unforgivable.

Tranquil/Tranquility: She's interacted with very few tranquil. She has no fear of becoming one, so she doesn't often think on how heavy of a penalty tranquility is.

Templars: Useful, and worth having as allies, but prone to mob justice just as much as a village, tempered only by a sense of duty they may or may not adhere to.

Dalish Elves: Worthy warriors who've earned a place to call home. She ensures they have land to settle when she becomes queen. Perhaps one day, they'll prove to be valuable allies. She supports any venture to find out more about the ancient elves, and works to return artifacts to the clans.

City Elves: Ferelden is done a great disservice by keeping elves as second class citizens. Let them be warriors and merchants. Let them hold land and title. And let them remember who lifted them up when they do.

Alienages: If she had her way, the walls would come down and the Alienages would be restored as districts equal to any within the city. It's slow going, but she's nearing that time every day.

Dwarves: Underutilized as allies with the surface. They don't have the same customs, and she may not have much authority in Orzammar, but she is open to working alongside Bhelen to better both nations through trade and joint expeditions in the Deep Roads.

Dwarven Caste System: It's certainly one way to maintain order... but is it sustainable in a nation of dwindling number?

Qunari/Tal-Vashoth: She knows very little of the qunari, though she wouldn't turn down an opportunity to host one in her court... how novel.

The Qun: Of very little interest to her. What she knows of it does not seem enticing.

Humans: Even within Ferelden, there is no end to the unique cultures that humans have. Not as simple as many believe... even fellow humans.

Nobility: Her life revolves around nobility. Whether she chooses to appease them or bring them to heel depends on the family, and the potential. She must keep a balance in order to be seen as rightful authority, but not as a tyrant. She's done so successfully thus far.

The Wardens: Heroes, and not just because her dear brother leads them and her husband is one. Wardens are always welcome in her court, though she will rightfully question them if they try to abuse their right to conscript what they need... especially as the Blight becomes a more distant memory. Are they not content with their arling?