Momo (Beyblade version) (Relationships)



4 years, 3 months ago



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Momo and Nile had a rocky start because initially Nile couldn't accept the idea of a "thief" being on their group. Momo worked hard to try to get along with him and even if at first it seemed hopeless, eventually her efforts paid off, Nile finally acknowledges Momo's change of heart and recognizes her as a member of the group. Nile softens his attitude considerably and with the time their relationship gets better, to the point they consider each other best friends and confidents.

>>Main article of Momo and Nile's relationship

Demure (Damle)

Demure is one of Momo's closest friends, despite their personalities being complete opposites they get along pretty well. 

Just like the majority of the group, Demure wasn't convinced to have Momo travel with them at first, but he didn't want to question Ginga's desition and was confused as whether to trust her like Ginga did or not. However he quickly changed his mind when Momo saved his beyblade from being destroyed at the hands of a bandit blader in the Bey Coliseum. That gest gave Demure the hunch that Momo wasn't indeed as bad as he thought and decided to offer her his friendship.

Demure usually tries to stop Momo when she tries to do something impulsive and because of that he ends up wrapped on most of her schemes. He has proven to be a good advicer though and a moral support, such as when Momo was trying to befriend Nile, he encouraged her to not give up and gave her tips to be on Nile's good side. 

When the group traveled to Morocco and found the abandoned house of Momo's biological parents, along with a memorial for their supposedly deceased daughter Fatima, Demure was the person who noticed that Momo was indeed the little Fatima that was presumed dead. He remained quiet about it as he didn't feel confident enough to talk with Momo about it and lift her spirit, but he gave enough hints to Nile so he could also realize the truth by himself and probably talk with Momo to help her close that chapter. 

Ginga Hagane

Ginga is the main responsible for Momo's change of heart and the first person to ever offer her friendship. His honest and pure heart was able to touch Momo's and make her desire to redeem herself. 

Despite having a negative opinion of Momo at their very first encounters, he realized Momo was not as "scummy" as she presented herself to be and could notice that she had deep inside her an honest affection for beyblade. He tried his best to reach Momo and make her realize her true desires, and succeeded in the end. Because of this, Momo is incredibly loyal to Ginga and won't doubt to follow him when he needs her help. 

Ginga and Momo are not the closest of friends, but either way she still respects him and usually follows his desitions, even in those times where she doesn't fully agree with him.

Momo will be forever thankful to Ginga for giving her his trust and a place to belong.

Madoka Amano

Madoka is pretty much Momo's closest girl friend. She often acts more like Momo's "mother" than her friend, as she most of the time scolds her when she doesn't behave properly or when she doesn't take proper care of herself (such as when Momo doesn't want to eat healthy food or when she doesn't pay attention to her hygiene). 

When she first met Momo and discovered she wasn't the nice girl she pretended to be at first but the treacherous Hyena Queen, Madoka was highly dissapointed, as she genuinely thought she had a connection with Momo when they first talked. She was later convinced by Ginga's words and decided to help him reach Momo, as she also wanted to believe she could be a good person like Ginga said. 

Madoka and Momo often quarrel as Madoka's bossy personality and Momo's rebel nature tend to clash, but they don't stay mad at each other for too long and their arguments don't affect their good friendship. 

Even though Momo -being the teaser that she is- tends to tease Madoka, she can be protective of her when she sees someone is trying to mess with her or feels they represent a danger. Momo also believes Madoka is a very naive girl and sometimes is annoyed by that, but for some reason she wants to protect that naivety Madoka has.

As a fun fact, Madoka can be easily persuaded by Momo when she gives her the "puppy eyes".

Yu Tendo

Yu and Momo have a "little brother/older sister" kind of relationship. They annoy each other, tease each other, but also have fun together and make good "partners in crime". Momo's nickname for Yu is "Chibi", while Yu simply calls her "Momo-chan".

Initially Yu resented Momo for what he did to little Kiki and thought she was a cruel person. His first battle with Momo though made him realize he's not as experienced as he thought he was and it made him more humble. He realized there're plenty of unknown bladers around the world with enormous talent and that he still needs more experience. 

Like most of the group, Yu slowly forgot his grudge against Momo as he witnessed a genuine change on her, and even started to admire her. When she spoke about her different experiences in the savanna and how she faced dangerous animals and situations, Yu got very interested. Witnessing Momo's physical strength when she fought against street fighters made Yu's admiration to grow and created some kind of blind faith in Momo's strength. He considers Momo as his super heroine but will NEVER openly admit that to her though. 

Yu's faith on Momo's physical strength however, can be something negative sometimes as he often gets Momo in troubles with gangs, alleging she can "easily" defeat them all, or forces her to make incredibly difficult strength challenges; he also does this kind of things to mess with Momo though, not only because of his faith on her. When this happens, Momo usually gets mad at Yu and yells: "Give me a break! I'm not some kind of f*** warrior you damn chibi!!"

Kyoya Tategami

Kyoya and Momo have a strong rivalry and can be considered as "natural enemies" just like lions and hyenas. As both have strong personalities that clash with one another, these two are most of the time quarreling and insulting each other. Their quarrels are usually comedic though.

Kyoya didn't have any kind of trust on Momo when she first presented to the group as a "fragile" girl in danger and saw right through her facade. Because he didn't trust Momo and left the group momentarily, he was the only one who didn't got his beyblade stolen and the only one who could battle her to recover the stolen beyblades. 

When Momo redeemed herself and joined the group, Kyoya again didn't trust her, but he didn't complain and instead warned Ginga to "not cry later if she betrays him again". From the very beggining of their journey, it was obvious that Momo and Kyoya strongly disliked each other and that it would be difficult for them to get along. 

However spending so many time traveling together created some kind of understanding between the two and a silent trust in one another. When the time demands it, they trust in the other's abilities and cooperate, but of course none of them will openly admit this. Because of this, one could say these two are "worst friends forever".

Momo usually refers at Kyoya as "smelly cat", because according to her, he smells as bad as a wet cat. Kyoya in the other hand calls Momo either "hyena woman" or "hideous hyena woman", because he finds Momo ugly and physically unattractive.

Ignacio "Nacho" Moreno (OC)

A member of the Forgotten Order and probably Momo's biggest rival. Like Momo, Nacho takes pride on his enormous brute force and wants to settle the score with her to see which one is the strongest. 

Initially he presented as someone with an overwhelming brute force and was confident on his strength, however he was surprised to find Momo could withstand his attacks. Even though at first she was cornered and overwhelmed by Nacho's strength, Momo recovered quickly and released all of her power to make him front. Both of them were surprised to find an opponent that could match their brute force and both are determinated to surpass the other. 

Nacho and Momo have similar origins; just like Momo, Nacho labels himself as a "scum", as he grew up in a poor Venezuelan neighborhood where he commited plenty of crimes to survive as a kid, until the leader of the Forgotten Order, Alcaeus, found him and gave him a place to belong. Because of this, both of them empathize with each other, and both of them have people they want to fight for.

During their final battle, both of them surpassed their limits and released all of their power to defeat the other. It was an intense battle and both of their power levels seemed to be very equal, however, in the end Nacho surpassed Momo for a fraction of second and defeated her. Even though Momo lost the battle, Nacho states that Momo was a spectacular rival and admits having an enormous respect for her. 

Despite being rivals and enemies, Nacho and Momo don't hate each other. They respect each other and each one recognizes the other as a worthy rival.

Chizuru Takayama (OC)


Other Characters

Esiankiki "Kiki" (OC): Momo was very cruel with Kiki when they first met, as she destroyed the little girl's beyblade when she attempted to fight her, because of this Kiki lost her will to be a blader. Momo deeply regrets what she did to Kiki and wants to amend her mistake; later she has the chance to do so though. When Momo and the group were still in Africa, Madoka found a Beyblade that was abandoned by it's owner. Momo asked Madoka if she could keep the bey, which Madoka agreed, but didn't understand why Momo needed another bey. Momo used this to redeem herself with Kiki; she gave her the task to take care of the bey as it was abandoned by it's original owner, Kiki was initially unsure, but she later believed on Momo after she apologized to her. Having this new bey revived the flame on Kiki and made her want to be a blader again. With the pass of the time, Momo and Kiki start to get along and in the future they become friends.

Team Excalibur: Momo can't stand Julian (Caesar) and the rest of his team, because they're usually condescending and looking down on her because of her kind of shabby appearance and her bad manners. The only one she respects at the moment is Klaus (George), who also respects her back; after a bey-battle when they both showcased each other's physical strength, both of them recognized the other's strength and became friendly rivals. Sophie and Momo, some time later, came to some kind of mutual understanding; while Sophie is still bothered by Momo's lack of manners (and sometimes lack of care for her personal apperance), she admires Momo's free spirit and respects her; in the same way, Momo respects Sophie, recognizes her as a kind person and admires the deep loyalty she has for Julian.

Tetsuya Watarigani: Momo met him once when he was trying to mess with the gang with his usual tricks. Momo started to make jokes about eating him (because he identifies as a crab) and his crab friends and mentioned several crab dishes she supposedly was going to prerare with them, and successfully drove him away with that. This whole event made Tetsuya terrified of Momo for life at the point he doesn't get close to Ginga's group when she's around.


Profile by Erandia