
4 years, 4 months ago


 Scott Evans
basic info

 Age 42
 pronouns he/him
 height 6'6"
 Orientation straight
 Birthday 7/11
 cog type robber baron
 Voice claim Hugh Jackman


Scott is an ex-robber baron with depression.

He used to do crime but now he's just an alcoholic who hates himself.

Very cold and uncaring on the surface but... deep down...


So Scott used to be a little bright eyed bushy tailed man just working a simple meager job and living with his girlfriend Casey who he loved very much. They didn't have much but they had each other <3

Casey insisted she was happy and all she wanted was to be with him, but to Scott it wasn't enough; he wanted to give her the world. So he ended up falling into some shady business to make more money...

He kept it hidden from Casey though, always lying about what he was doing and where he was going. He would come home with a bloody shirt and no explanation. His job was to "rough up clients" who owed money to his employer... it really took a toll on him and he began drinking and smoking to ease the pain. All Casey knew was that Scott wasn't himself anymore, and they had all this money seemingly coming out of nowhere. She couldn't trust him anymore... so she left him...

Now Scott was heartbroken and alone. Everything he did, he did for her- though she never wanted any of it. Now he felt like he had nothing to live for. He left his life of crime behind and simply wanders the streets aimlessly drunk and full of regret. He hates himself. He doesn't know what to do anymore. He just wishes he could be with Casey again...


  • Casey

  • himself

 food ??
 drink gin
 color azure
 Show ??
 Music ??

  • drinking
  • smoking
  • being depressed


Scott and Casey were dating and In Love before Scott went and ruined everything. He's still in love with her, but he doesn't have the heart to try to reach out to her again. She's probably better off without him anyway...

 former doctor

Quincy was Scott's doctor back when he was still in the crime business. He couldn't go to a real hospital, after all. Scott's always been creeped out by him, but he always gets the job done, so he trusts him well enough.


Scott and Walter met under.. unorthodox circumstances. For some reason, Scott felt some sort of compulsion to keep this kid out of trouble. Walt kind of reminded Scott of himself in a way, and so he felt responsible for keeping him from turning out like he did. Walt doesn't always seem to care for this, but for Scott, their relationship gives him a newfound purpose to try to be better.


It's been a couple of years since Scott left his life of crime behind and since he met Walter, so he's made the decision that maybe he'll try to start the healing process and better himself... So he started seeing Leonzo, his therapist. Unfortunately, it's hard to be open when he can't reveal the details of his illegal past. It's also just... hard to be open in general... maybe this wasn't a good idea...

ref sheet


design notes

  • coming soon

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