Wesley Cousland



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Wesley Bancroft Cousland



Place of Birth

Highever, Ferelden


24 (Origins) 34 (Inquisition)



Sexual Orientation







Combat Training, Combat Tactics

DA Class



Champion + Guardian


Grey Wardens of Ferelden


Born the middle child of three, Wesley Cousland spent his youth training and competing in tournaments, in which he often placed highly. The only thing he ever lacked was a true battle, but he wasn’t hungry for war. He was more than happy to stay complacent with his noble privileges. The only thing he'd want to change about his life is having a wife and family of his own. He'd had a few relationships with minor noblewomen, but never clicked with them, and his occassional encounters with Iona were never going to amount to much... but those troubles soon felt so insignificant. 

When Howe betrayed House Cousland, Wesley tried to lead the remaining knights in a last-ditch defense, one that failed and led to most of the knights dying. Wesley had to be dragged out of the fight and out of Highever; he couldn't accept that the situation was hopeless. He joined the Wardens willingly, considering it a fair deal and seeing no other option. He survives the Joining, but he doesn't get much of an opportunity to process the experience before he's pushed into lighting the signal tower at the Battle of Ostagar, only to be betrayed by Loghain and left to die. Being one of the only two Wardens to survive, Wesley is tasked with not only stopping the darkspawn, but seeing that Howe and Loghain are brought to justice for their treachery. 

He dedicated himself fully to the Grey Wardens after the Archdemon's defeat, rebuilding Amaranthine as Commander of the Grey until vanishing for nearly a decade. His whereabouts were only known by his closest friends, his sister, and a few higher ranking Wardens, but after the Inquisition's enemy was revealed as a darkspawn who claimed to cause the first Blight, he joined the organization to see if he couldn't be of any help in taking it down. The spymaster being his love also helped sway him to their cause.
It's a good thing he's an Andrastian. His girlfriend becomes the pope. 

- Idealistic - Diplomatic - Proud - Stubborn - Protective - Moderate - Fair - Uncritical -

Has two mabari named Dane and Grey. Dane is his family mabari and currently lives in Denerim with Elizabeth. He found Grey as a survivor of Ostagar, and she's his current mabari companion.

Likes dogs, war strategy, and folklore.


The Chantry: A sanctified church to Andraste. Neither it or the priests should ever be disrespected.
Tevinter: A strange, vaguely sinister land. He knows very little about it.
Ferelden: His homeland. He would have served it well if he weren’t made a Warden first.
Orlais: A land of opulence and treachery. He holds no real fondness for the place since he was raised on stories about the rebellion against them. He finds the accents attractive.
Mages/Magic: He’s never encountered mages outside the one or two that had business from the Circle. He’s wary of it, but not outright afraid of it. He grows more comfortable as he spends more time as a Warden.
Apostates: He doesn’t trust them. If they have a reason to be running from the Circle, they’re clearly doing something suspicious. This opinion softens the longer he's a Warden.
Blood magic: Demonic and dangerous. It’s outlawed for a reason.
Tranquil/Tranquility: He has no strong opinion on them.
Templars: Strong warriors with strong convictions. He respects them.
Dalish Elves: Mysterious and intriguing. He admires their ability to survive as nomads. He doesn’t understand their culture at all, though.
City Elves: He doesn’t think about them much. They’re just people who live in a special part of the city.
Alienages: He’d only been to Highever’s Alienage before the story begins. It was fine enough, in his eyes. He subconsciously avoided it, though. He comes to see the inequality, and supports any effort to improve the lives of the elves living there, though Warden business rarely allows him to do much directly.
Dwarves: He finds them to be legendary warriors and craftsmen, though he’s spoken to relatively few outside of merchants. He’s always admired the wares they offer him, however.
Dwarven Caste System: He’s really only aware of the Merchant and Warrior caste, the former because he’s interacted with them, and the latter because he’s heard about them. He knows that nobles and some other caste exists, but nothing really about them.
Qunari/Tal-Vashoth: Couldn’t tell the difference between "Qunari qunari" and "tal-vashoth qunari" without someone putting it into terms he’d understand. All qunari are qunari, right?
The Qun: He doesn’t know much about it, and isn’t terribly interested in finding out more on his own.
Humans: His people, he supposes. He has no strong opinions on humans as a whole.
Nobility: He understands them better than any other group. Or at least, he thought he did. They’re supposed to be good rulers and protectors, but apparently, not every noble strives to be that way. Without his title, he is often treated without the niceties he's used to... it takes time to get used to.
The Wardens: His people now. He considers it an honor to be one of them, even if the circumstances regarding his recruitment were grim.


  • Father of Kieran
  • Connor alive, not possessed
  • Brokered peace between elves and werewolves
  • Bhelen rules Orzammar
  • Supported Mages
  • Alistair + Elizabeth rule Ferelden