Kurokami Hakouro (Planetside Past)



Basic Info


Kurokami Hakouro

Apparent Age






Relationship Status


Profile below is old and out of date. up only for archival purposes. 


Kuro is known to be a melancholic sort, though he is curious about  the world around him. Some have said that hie eyes seem to stare into  the ether, others simply say he is haunted by the experiences that have  shaped him. He cares little for appearances though he respects the  sacred colors of his people. His friends and protectors help him pick  his dress.

He works to help the common folk and rarely raises his  voice, though he has a special disdain for Izen, the lord of darkness  and chaos. When given a job or a task he prefers to handle it in the  most efficient and direct manner possible. Though outside of his studies  and discovery of the world outside the monastery he can be a bit aloof,  and often finds himself lost in his thoughts. His smiles are rare and  often directed at his companions. Overall he is polite, and his calm and  contemplative exterior hides a whirlwind of restrained emotions, both  positive and negative.







 A  child born with the red of Izen, the shimmering blue of Yue, and purple  of balance. His birth was an auspicious one indeed, and well known  among his peers. As a child he was chosen to be an acolyte of balance.  He was trained in the ways of holy scripture, and the art of fighting to  protect. On the cusp of adolescence he was put into a sect of warriors,  scribes and priests in training to be candidates for the Prince of  Eros. A position chosen by the gods of the realm. The previous had died  recently and a new successor had to be chosen before the land fell to  ruin.  The  candidates went through heavy training and trials of  fortitude. Until eventually only a few of the once large group remained.  The remaining few were called into a sanctuary for a final test. What  that test was Kurokami will never say though he came out bloodied and  bearing a mark. 

That night he disappeared from the temple. He  spent the next two years in the astral plane learning how to hone his  spirit and mind as well as his body. Being taught day by day by the very  beings he had worshiped all his life to channel the power that he would  be given.

After that he was brought before the council of  gods and a ritual was performed linking his soul essence to that of the  planet. Promising to care for its people and place their lives and  burdens on his shoulders. He was sixteen. And there he stayed. His  biological aging had been stopped so he could be preserved in time,  living, and so Eros would prosper also.

He traveled, learning  about the world that he had sworn to protect. Learning about its people.  Helping those he could. Mourning over those he lost. After an  altercation where he nearly died he was assigned a paladin to help him  in his task, Etokai Senta. The two eventually learned to trust  another after a close run with a band of brigands.

A few months  later he helped a local lord recover their daughter from some  kidnappers.  Kuro held the young sorceress in his arms as they plunged  from the second story of the inn where she was hidden, and it was like a  fairy tale. He started coming for frequent visits to the lord’s estate  which brought him great fame. The two fell in love. Her name was Hatsuka  Kikiyai. He began calling her his Hime, and she started sneaking out to  adventure with him. Eventually she stopped going home, and became a  permanent part of their trio. He loves them both dearly. 



  the laughter of others
  skilled opponents
  the feel of the wind
  sweet foods
  connecting with kind souls
  loyalty, meditation

bitter foods
the smell of blood and ichor
those who openly display their wealth and power
receiving gifts




(+)  Kuro's body has been blessed with an undying power, he doesnt age nor  will he die from wounds that may be considered fatal to others of his  race. he can survuve being stabbed, drowned, beaten, crushed and other  manner of terrible things. If he becomes so injured he would die he  instead goes into a trance-like stasis where his body solidifies into a  semi crystaline state and begins to heal. it is unknown if he can  survive beheading.

(-) This healing isnt insantaneous not does it  mean that he cant feel the pain, it can take him anywhere from half a  day to weeks or even months of being in stasis to recover.

(+)  Kuro knows a few different schools of magic, such as minor illusions,  elemental spellsword, and a bit of healing.  kuro draws his power from  the planet Eros by taking the engery into himself condensing it into a  form of engery consumed by his crystal and speaking words or writing  symbols to release the engergy as he needs.

(-) this means if he  is away from his planet/dimension etc, he has a very diificult time  using his magic, as he must draw frm the same engery that gives him  immortality. if he is gagged or bound or his etherium taken away he  cannot cast at all.

(+) he is adept at performing though he finds it embarising and can sing and dance rather well.

(+) he can swing a sword with reasonable skill though nowhere near as good as a trained warrior or swordmaster.

(-)  like all erosians he will begin to fall violently ill if he is without  contact to his etherium for an extended period of time. becomign  ferverish, sickly and my become bedridden after a few weeks, because of  his unique makeup he will not doe from this btu will instead go into  stasis until it is returned.

 Design Notes

 - Kuro keeps his hair rather short, but it occasionally grows to his shoulders before he remembers to cut it
- His eyes are a shade of violet normally but under VERY specific circumstances they can turn red or blue
- Must be wearing his necklace, he becomes sick if it is taken away for too long (its part of his race)
- gets injured pretty frequently

clothing descriptions:

1:  His normal wear, he displays both his crest of his order and his soul  openly, It is a modified version of the clothing worn by trainees and  paladin-to-be of his order, the shirt underneath is made of Erosian  chain, a lightweight and durable cloth that has been enchanted to  provide the same protections as a thin chainmail layer would

2:  The holy garb he wore whilst receiving instruction on magic and  meditation from the goddess of light and order, yue. The wing shown is  part of the magic of the breastplate at it allowed him to move freely in  the skies of the ethereal plane, as proud as he was to spend his days  with her, his time was cut short and he had to move on. Her motherly  warmth and kindness will stay with him forever.

3: Kuro has a  strong emotional attachment to the robes of an acolyte of balance, he  had worn these day- by-day through most of childhood, though he has  graduated from them now, he occasionally will spend a few days at his  old home wearing them and recieving wisdom form his elders

4:  This youthful outfit is worn when kuro goes on diplomatic missions,  green is the color of royalty and thus he only wears it when he is in a  position where he needs to exercise his authority. it can also be worn  with a silver green and gold short cape.

5: This was worn during  his dark months of deadly training with the other half of balance: Izen  the lord of chaos, entropy and the dark. The grueling combat exercises  may have killed kuro had there had not been skilled healers there. Most  times he was not given proper rest, and thus would have to resume his  work with red raw scars from the half done healing. These were removed  before his official ceremony with the pantheon.

6: A simple tunic  and cloak makes up this simple traveler's look, it was gifted to him by  his first companion. it is used when they must travel unnoticed.

7:  The fur of a great cat lines this set of clothes, coupled with an iron  will, let him and his companions travel the inhospitable winds and snow  of the north.

8: this garb is light and cool, and allowed kuro to  blend in with the desert peoples of the hot and arid wastelands. He has  some fond memories of quite a few towns that he traveled through. His  missions rarely send him back. it was bought for a few coin at a market  on the edges of the desert. it is worn with or without the scarf.