Kurokami Hakouro (AUs)



5 years, 1 month ago


A collection of AUs for the brave trinity that protects the planet Aros

AUs with Beed
These both start with the same premise, of kuro wandering into their strange world, the timelines split depending on who he meets first however....


A lighthearted jaunt into the orcs daily lives, although there was some conflict when he encroached on their territory ((Kuro got speared >.>)) the problem was quickly resovled in and the lad was given a sort of refuge in their camp. Eventually he is joined by his two companions, Kikiyai and Itokai and they make friends with the kind yet primitive peoples of the settlement. Theres some small dramas but for the most part life is peaceful. 


Or the timeline where everything falls apart. Kuro ends up wandering too far and comes across an elven scout patrol.... and apparently they dont take kindly to anyone who isnt elven... after a fierce struggle The young man is eventually overpowered and enlsaved. his unusual coloring for a human and his magical abilities caught the eye of a certain elven general, one that he would much rather be invisible to. Kuro strives to keep his true origins a secret for fear of what may happen if his true nature were revealed.