Tempe Alanis



4 years, 4 months ago





NameTempe Alanis
5'10" (177cm)
BirthdayJune 6th

"Believe it!"


Tempe is a HUGE anime fan. She does her very best to act like a tough shounen protagonist at all times. She refuses to not help someone who needs it, and will drag anyone she's with along with her. She has a tendency to charge into fights without a thought to her own well being, and while it's true she usually wins, she never comes out unscathed. She's also a very contact person, and refuses to sleep unless it's in a pile with her friends. She's loud and will infodump you on whatever she's watching right now. She's determined, confident, and never lets herself show a frown (at least never when people are watching.)


Tempe has a lot of scars. Like, a lot of scars. She has 3 fingers on her left hand, and her right arm has evidence that it's been severed and reattached. She has scruffy pinkish-red hair and desaturated red eyes. She has short pointed ears that poke out of her hair, which is scruffy but in an intentional way. She's surprisingly muscular for someone who doesn't work out at all, instead choosing to watch anime and eat very unhealthily. She never wears anything with sleeves.


Ain is one of her best friends. They're a fleshgait and can shapeshift. They met by chance a few minutes after she escaped her parents, and have been travelling together ever since.

Grr is her other best friend. She's a werewolf. Tempe and her talk a lot, though for some reason nobody believes when Tempe says Grr can talk. She's very soft.

Rez is one of her friends. They met outside Lumont city, and she decided to help him on his quest.

Abigail is also one of her friends. They met with Rez, and she's the whole reason they're going on this quest in the first place. They get along great, Abby knows a lot more about anime than the others.

Ame is the person who publishes all the anime she likes! It's crazy that they ever even got to meet at all, even though Ame can be a bit of a dick. They let her watch all the stuff they haven't released yet, so that makes up for it! Plus, cool ice magic.


Tempe was born in a demonic ritual gone wrong. She was intended to be born as a vessel for the demon her parents worshipped, but they screwed up and the demon ended up trapped in her blood. Her parents blamed her for this, and essentially kept her prisoner so that she wouldn't damage her body in the event that they could fix the ritual. She escaped them when she was 19, and quickly met Ain and Grr, who she befriended quickly. She found out about anime and decided that the heroes of these shows were perfect role models, basing her whole personality on being like them. 4 years after her escape, she met Rez and Abigail, and as usual decided to help them. 


● Tempe is re-purposed from my old story, Orphanage!

● She has a horrible phobia of dragons.

● She makes up "move names" to shout when she fights.

● She's a terrible cook.

● If you become her friend, you're her friend for life.

● She's always trying to decide what her "look" is, since she wants to be an anime protagonist and they need cool looks.

● Sometimes when she gets really mad, scales appear on her cheeks. She's never noticed them.


profile html byHukiolukio