Ain Rolaren



4 years, 4 months ago





NameAin Zulkarnain
GenderDepends on the day
6'1" (185cm)
BirthdayMay 1st



Ain is somewhat reserved, preferring to drive and repair their van to having company. They don't like staying in one place for too long, which is good for people on an adventure. They can be hesitant around strangers, but after gaining their trust they're a pretty chill person. They don't handle stress very well, and have a tendency to stress eat (which is really bad since fleshgaits like Ain eat literally anything and everything.) They like romantic comedies.


Ain is a Fleshgait. Their body is skinless save for their face, which has a layer if transparent skin over it (they wear makeup to give themself a natural skintone). The skinless parts of their body are dry and matte, like a Body Worlds exhibit. They have a long tail made of large exposed vertebrae, as well as fingers that are exposed bone. They have undercut hair, the short section being a dark brown while the long section is offwhite grey (it is unknown which of these is their natural hair colour.) They have large, frill-like earlobes, and heatpits instead of nostrils. They have a series of black lines resembling a beard on their chin, however these aren't hairs and are simply markings. Their irises are pure white, with a thick black line around them and black pupils that do not dilate. Of course, fleshgaits being shapeshifters, their features can be subject to change.


Tempe is literally their oldest friend. They've travelled together for years, and frankly if it weren't for her they'd probably still be alone.

Grr is Ain's second friend, they met outside the woods and her and Tempe hit it off immediately. Grr doesn't talk, which is fine by Ain.

The Changeling and Ain seem to have some history. We can put together that the changeling is looking for Ain, judging by Ain's urgency to get as far away from it as possible whenever it shows up. What that history is, however, is unknown.

Rez is Ain's third friend. They met outside Lumont city, when Ain and the group mistook him for a burglar in the night. Ain doesn't know Rez as well as they do Tempe and Grr, so they've got some walls up. They wish Rez wasn't so nervous around them, but they're used to it.

Abigail is Ain's fourth friend. They met around the same time as they met Rez, although they couldn't see her at first. Abby is much less anxious than Rez, and seems to get along well with the others. She knows a lot about engineering, and seems fascinated by how their van works, which they enjoy talking about.

Ame is a dick that they have to drive around for some bullshit reason.


Nobody really knows what Ain's story is. This isn't a writing cop-out, they just really don't like to talk about it. All anyone really knows is that they were driving around the plains when they almost hit a girl, later introducing herself as Tempe, who insisted they take her with them, anywhere and fast. They didn't really know how to respond, so before they knew it the two were travelling together. They eventually picked up another straggler, a werewolf named Grr who Tempe befriended immediately. They travelled for a few years, helping people they met along the way (Tempe made them help), until one night they ran into a strange boy in the forest near Lumont city, and ended up being propelled into a quest with him and a ghost.


● Ain is re-purposed from my old story, Orphanage!

● Their favourite food is trash.

● They drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, because caffeine helps them keep their form stable. 

● All their clothes have bones on them.

● Their van is changeling tech, with some modifications of their own making. This means it can change shape depending on the requirements. Also it's bigger on the inside.

● They sound like Kumail Nanjiani

● They're a really bad shapeshifter, and can only turn into body horror monstrosities (unless they concentrate really really hard, then they can turn into George Clooney for like 3 minutes before turning to oobleck for the next 2 hours)

● They don't need sleep, but will lay in silence until the others wake up, to not make them concerned.

● They don't blink.

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