Ame LaRoche



4 years, 4 months ago





NameAme LaRoche
5'11" (180cm)
BirthdayJuly 23rd

"Esti de câlice de tabarnak, c'est pas possible comment que t'es cave."


Ame is the mind of a cranky old librarian, who just wants to be left alone with their books, in the body of a 21 year old. They have no patience for anyone's shit and frankly would not be coming on any adventures if it weren't for their overpowering hatred for their sister. They have a lot of psychological baggage, and have a tendency to have any progress at recovery get slammed back to square one whenever they encounter any causes of their trauma. They do have a kind side, you just have to dig deep to get to it.


Ame appears somewhat human, and at the same time not quite. They have light blonde hair with long bangs that are parted in the middle. They wear a pair of circular wire-frame glasses that only bring attention to their eyes, which glow cyan, yellow and magenta. They have greyish pale skin, which is darker on their nose, fingertips, and under their eyes. They have grey and black deer ears and a tail, and have a pattern of white spots on their back, much like that of a young deer. They have a huge black scar on their chest, usually covered by their shirt, in the shape of a large claw going from their left shoulder down to just below their rib cage on their right side. They may or may not have other scars, but if they do they can't be seen under makeup. They also have a dark grey metal prosthetic arm beginning at their mid-upper left arm, which is strapped on via a harness that goes over their back and other shoulder. Their most common outfit involves a black tee with a deer crossing sign printed on it, red plaid skinny jeans, and hiking boots.


Abigail was their best friend back in human times. Shocked doesn't begin to describe how they felt seeing her again.

Kissan is their partner. Ame taught them how to read and write, and in return Kiss taught them how to use ice magic. They're seemingly the only person Ame is nice to, and everyone likes it when Kiss is around.

Zanny is their sister. They're.... not on good terms, to put it lightly. 

Mikkel is the demon that cursed them. He talks to them sometimes, to torment them.

Rez is a friend of Abby's, first and foremost. Ame and Rez don't really get along, but make a good team when it comes to using magic.


Ame lived a relatively normal life. They read a lot, tried their best to do pass college courses at home. This was of course up until their sister came home one night, transformed into a monster, and killed Ame and their parents. But Ame wasn't dead, they woke up not long after with black antlers and a voice in their head telling them that they were cursed. They ran outside only to find everyone they knew-- and didn't know, for that matter-- gone. They wandered aimlessly for hours that turned to days and years, looking for someone, anyone, who still existed. Eventually, they started collecting books, dvds, anything that could preserve human culture. As the decades turned to centuries, they built themself a library, up in the mountains, to keep everything cold and prevent decay. They stayed in isolation for years and years until a knock on the door revealed that their best friend, Abigail, still existed (albeit dead), and was looking for help finding out who killed her. They regretfully could not, but upon hearing that her and her newfound non-human friends had encountered a monster not dissimilar from the one their sister became, which they swore to kill no matter what.


● Ame is re-purposed from my old story, Orphanage! Side fun fact to that, in the transition from Orph to Belgarde, Ame and Rez swapped personalities!

● They lived in rural Quebec until they were 15, and are fluent in Quebec french and english. They still have a quebecois accent. 

● They lost their arm in an accident when they were 8, at the wood mill their father owned. Because of this, they have a phobia of large machines.

● However, whenever they get asked how they lost it, they make up the most outrageous story about it. Nobody's gonna contradict them, that would be disrespectful.

● They always wear red plaid. Any outfit they wear Must have red plaid somewhere on it.

● They file their antlers down so as to not look like their sister, Zanny.

● They're an ice mage, and they use their prosthetic arm to channel it so that it doesn't scar them.

● Their sense of temperature is reversed because of their curse, so they can often be seen wearing summer clothes in below freezing climates.

● They have a tendency to curse or insult people in french, because nobody else can understand them.

● "Tea, earl grey, cold."

● They periodically send publishers old books and other media from human times, which has lead to humans being seen as a fantasy creature, like elves are in real life.

● They're technically responsible for Tempe's anime obsession.

● If you misgender them, they Will break your nose.

profile html by Hukiolukio