Larc Michard de Bensier



4 years, 3 months ago


"En-garde! Pret! Allez!"

Name Larc Michard de Bensier Age 19
Gender Cis Male (he/him) Orientation Bisexual
Height 6'3" Eye Colour Gold
Job Class Gladiator Other Uses an epee batarde and main gauche


Larc is energetic, flamboyant, and gung-ho. A “leap before he looks” kind of guy, he’s the first to throw himself into a situation regardless of dangers as long as it looks interesting. He’s loud and likes talking and sharing his opinion. Larc prides himself on his appearance, and though he's not quite charming, his charisma pulls people towards him for better or worse. Despite this, Larc isn’t sure how to have intimate or long lasting relationships with others. He comes across as superficial and misses many social cues since he's never had a real friend before. He’s suspicious of everyone at first, but would melt if he was ever genuinely praised or cared for.

Larc speaks the common language with a bad French accent, as in, the actual accent he has sounds like someone doing a bad French accent.


Larc was orphaned shortly after birth due to a violent surprise attack on the Arctic Wolf Clan in Nevu’e by Hellainya agents. He was rescued by the only other survivor and they made it to Bensier, a Grey Wolf clan in Torqué, before the other Arctic Wolf died. Larc grew up the same way as Naruto: clearly Not One Of Them despite his best efforts to fit in with the Grey Wolves. He threw himself into fighting and defense tactics to escape, making him an expert at a young age. He developed a big personality to get attention, which mostly resulted in a lot of fights with other children. Larc is considered a trouble-maker by everyone in the clan.

Growing up feeling the Grey Wolf's resentfulness for being forced to raise him, Larc chose to leave Bensier and Torqué itself when he came of age (18). He seeks adventure, answers about the Arctic Wolves, and friendship.


I literally just wrote 2 sections about how he has none.


A tank unit who draws aggro by infuriating enemies. Most of his moves are taunt and retaliation based: he draws in the blows and unleashes them back tenfold. High HP and defense combined with mediocre speed and no evasion make Larc both the easiest and hardest target to defeat on the field.


  • Likes: adventure, fighting, training, talking, BEING AROUND PEOPLE, attention (positive or negative), looking good
  • Dislikes: being ignored, having his clothes messed up, cooked meat
  • Strengths: strong, charismatic, protective, hard working and dedicated
  • Weaknesses: incredibly suspicious, bad at social/conversation cues, doesn’t plan and just goes headfirst into everything