
4 years, 4 months ago


Uzu (swirl/whirlpool in japanese; 渦 ; read "uh-zuh") is the cinnamon roll of the group, a goofy oblivious lad with a huge heart. He tends to trust too easily and in turn gets used a lot. He's got a big family that he cherishes a ton.

Uzu lacks in the aptitude/superpower department, he's the only one of his friends that doesn't posses one. He dislikes being alone above all else and will try to strike a conversation with anyone to avoid it. Adores running and hanging out, though he isn't one to pass chillin' in the sun with the homies.

He is rather well liked amongst his friend group- Hope, Ame (around Hope at least, she very much bears a distaste towards him), Kūki and Kage all vibe with him. Teva, the more or less outsider in the group, finds him annoying. Uzu is rather oblivious to most hatred and doesn't really acknowledges the glares and resentment.

It is rare to see him worked up or angry. Uzu is a cinnamon roll.