
4 years, 4 months ago


Kage (shadow or silhouette in japanese; 影 ; read "kah-geh") is a calm and level-headed of the group, well reserved but never shy friend, ready to jump into a fray for what he cherishes the most. He comes from a species of warriors that dedicate their lives to "eating" shadow creatures that plague the world of the living. The members of this species tends to take all kinds of animal forms, but once settled can't switch between any animals (for example Kage's linage looks like wolves).

His powers extend to shadow hunting mode, where his body can blend with the darkness and makes his speed and strength amplify and flight, thanks to his back's markings- that project the wing shape into the air above, capable of flight.

Kage is easy to talk to, very calm and contained personality, many times can come off as toneless or sarcastic. His smiles and laughs are very rare and usually reserved only for people he holds dear.

Kage is comfortable around nearly everyone in the group, however he has his reservations about Teva. He also notices occasionally the glares Ame sends his way, but he doesn't see her a threat. The non-hyperactive support of the group.

The way Kage met everyone was an accident- the group helped them out and instead of staying over for a night to heal and move on, ended up sticking around for way longer.

Kage also loves winters and rainy day, though the water and snow wet his scarf, which makes him uncomfortable. As well as snowing and raining hinders his flying abilities <3 .

Certified big bro <33