


4 years, 4 months ago



"They say that mothers are better than fathers, well I can tell you that, that is bullshit. Also, I don't have a dad either."


-Title Fighter

-Public Name Bee-in-the-mist

-Nicknames Bee, give her one

-True Name New-life

-Family Name Nightshades

-Relative Age Young Adult

-Rank Fighter

-Sex Male

-Skills Chameleon 

Physical Information

-Build Scrawny and lean 

-Fur Type Spiky

-Most Common Expression Angry Snarl 

-Accessories none 

-Other none 

Spiritual Information

-Cosmic Name Undiscovered

-Familiar none

-Magical Ability none 

















- Bee loathes her adoptive mother and her adoptive family for that matter, the only exception beings are her sisters and her only brother.

- Bee is the oldest out of all of them yet is the only one who is against the nobles of their family and wants nothing more than to break away from it.

-  As a young teen, Bee had left her home after a heated argument with her mother. Vowing to never return to the corrupted house for no reason whatsoever.

-  Bee's and Oak's father, lost-soul was a young lad named Running-fox who met their mother, Leaves-of-an-ivy, during the summer festivals. The two didn't hit it off immediately but it was their father that managed to make the first move by moving into Redbloods shortly after meeting each other. The two became adventurers, going on many quests until one fatal battle killed the two due to their severe injuries. leaving their young children behind and orphaned.  

-  As a result, Bee was separated from her brother at a young age. A moonlighter feeling that Redbloods wasn't the best idea to raise such young children gave Bee to one of a few moonlighters in dullpines, keeping her bother so she could raise him as her own son as they only have means to raise one child at that time.

-  Bee has no clue that she has a brother or that she was born in Redbloods, yet she would have the occasional dream of a strange moonlighter and a few unfamiliar faces.

- Feeling the need to go back to her family, Bee reluctantly headed straight for home where she was met by her sister Clover, the two had a heartfelt reunion but was quickly diminished once Clover told her of what is happening at home. Reluctantly, Bee agreed to return home for only a couple of weeks maybe months if she needed to. Not only to check on owl but also to settle a score with her adoptive mother.


-  Thank you lira for helping with the backstories : D

-   Bee is planning on moving into Redbloods as she feels a strong pull to that area, and as well as changing her name.

- Playlist

Parents and Siblings

-Maternal Grandparents 


-Paternal Grandparents 



        Dew-On-Flowers (adopted) 

         Sedge-caught-on-fur (adopted)

        Leaves-Of-An-Ivy (Deceased, biological)


         Lost-soul (biological)


          Beetles-swarming (adopted) 

          Stacks-of-slates (adopted) 

          Cricket-In-Their-Nest (adopted) 

          Colver-Patch (adopted)


        Owlet's-Angry-Screech (adopted) 

         Oak (Biological)


        A-Magnificent-Black-Raven (adopted) 

        A-Quail-Hunted (adopted)

        A-Blight-Falling-On-Our-Rank (adopted)


       None Yet

Spouse and Offspring


        None Yet


        None Yet


        None Yet


       None Yet


Though try as hard as she might Bee's favorite sibling out of all of them has to be Owl. The reason being is that Bee saw the way owl is constantly trying to prove to dew and to others and it hurt her whenever he was overlooked because of it. So she took it upon herself to make sure that he was alright and stayed near him as much as she could and sneer at those that make fun of Owl. She felt easy and at peace whenever she was ner her little brother, she knows that she hurt owl the most when she left since they were close to anyone else. She wishes that it was simple as coming back and staying with her family but she has her own problems to resolve and until she can figure it out she can't come back. 


Bee swore to herself that she would never return not until Dew apologizes for the way she treated her and her siblings. She hates her adoptive mother, hated the way that she could never find a way to please her mother nor meet her high expectations that she set her children on. At some point bee did try to give dew grandchildren but stopped when she realized that most if not all of her children would inherit her pale coat and not the black pelt that her mother clearly desires. It broke Bee to know that she couldn't find a way to belong in a house where she is considered family, she as often cried angry tears as a way to hold back and not attack Dew or anyone for that matter. Yet a part of her wants desperately to return to her mother's home and beg for forgiveness to make the family whole again and to pretend that her leaving never happened. The other part of her wants nothing to do with Dew and doesn't consider dew as her mother, not caring if the look that she gives her breaks her a tiny bit. 

Outside Sources

- None Yet

Drawn Template by hatoCAFE and @feliisvulpes

Written Template by hatoCAFE, HarmonicPeeps, and @feliisvulpes

Template Coded by HarmonicPeeps