


4 years, 1 month ago


61798831_NBSHfO5fdNuY14c.png?1678413222"I have nothing left to lose"


-Title Fighter

-Public Name A-Tall-Oak-Tree

-Nicknames Oak

-True Name N/A

-Family Name none

-Relative Age  Adult

-Rank fighter

-Sex male

-Skills none

Physical Information

-Build stocky

-Fur Type rough

-Most Common Expression 

-Accessories none

-Other none

Spiritual Information

-Cosmic Name N/A

-Familiar none

-Magical Ability N/A










 socially aware








- He had inherited his father's green eyes.

- Oak has a few acquaintances here and keeps to himself

- Likes sweet foods

- He gets nightmares from time to time 

- Oak is aware that he has a sister and that both his parents are dead 

- Is planning on leaving Redbloods to reunite with his sister, wherever she may be. 

- Human name is Oscar. 

- He fears that his sister wants nothing to do with him, this doesn't help his already troubling abandonment issues

- when he's nervous or on the brink of panic, he isolates himself from everyone else and paces until he's calm. 

- Is known to ramble on and on to himself, others find this odd or worrying but Oak says that it helps 

-  voice 

Parents and Siblings

-Maternal Grandparents 


-Paternal Grandparents 



    Leaves-of-an-ivy (biological) 

    Buttercups-in-the-morning-sunlight (Adopted)


         Lost soul (biological) 

 Crow’s-Large-Wings-shielding-them-from-harm  (adoptive)


         Lilly-of-the-valley (adoptive) 

          Mighty-tusks-from-a-boar (adoptive)

          Bee-In-The-Mist (biological) 


         Young-hearts-becoming-one (adoptive) 

          Bright-eyes-looking-ahead (adoptive)




       None Yet

Spouse and Offspring


        None Yet


        None Yet


        None Yet


       None Yet


Oak often lay awake at night, longing to be Buttercup's biological son. He couldn't help but feel guilty for being angry with his adoptive mother, even though he loved her deeply. He kept these negative feelings to himself, not wanting to hurt her. However, the emotions festered within him like an open wound, causing him great pain.


Oak is aware that he has a biological sister who is alive, but he fears that she may not want anything to do with him. It would break his heart if his fears were proven true.


Oak is uncertain about his adoptive father. He finds the older tom mysterious and often feels tense around him. His father carries a sense of melancholy that Oak can't quite understand. Whenever the older tom speaks, Oak feels at a loss for words. Reading his adoptive father's expression is a challenge for him.



Outside Sources

- None Yet

Drawn Template by hatoCAFE and @feliisvulpes

Written Template by hatoCAFE, HarmonicPeeps, and @feliisvulpes

Template Coded by HarmonicPeeps