Sir Lloyd



4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Sir Lloyd Crocogator










Genetically Engineered Nile Crocodile


Owner of many companies


He's a smart, confident and prideful reptile; although he's not a big risk taker, he does have a high amount of trust in himself and his employees. Despite his potentially sketchy business practices, he generally seems to be cordial, straightforward and honest with anyone who’s willing to cooperate with him.

Date of Birth

Exact birthday unknown but was born in 1955



-He lives in a mansion in Highstreet, he mostly uses it to display and sell rare artifacts and materials but allows his employees and workers to come in and out as they like.

-He's a major tech and finance expert, getting most of his knowledge through the people that made and raised him. Privately, he was tutored on topics such as business, finance, history, geography and food science.

-Thanks to his intelligence(and hidden sliminess), he owns many companies, most of them are about technology and banking, with few snack companies on the side. He's in partnership with many other business owners like Cruorpal J. Princeboar and Dominic Picante.

-Due to Lympha not caring about people knowing her powers, the crocodile has taken interest in her and the potential she can lock with it if she just bothered to use  it outside of party tricks and protecting herself.

-He hires the trio of thieves: Panther, Sherbet and Drakell, to steal valuable artefacts and riches for him. They are known to be impressively sneaky, even if they're caught, they can slip out like nothing had happened.

-He use to get artefacts by himself using traveling gear and materials but now, because of age, he hires other people to do so. 

-He funds a lot of non-profit organisations, including Captiocus' church(which isn't called that in canon, but that's basically what it is). Captiocus denies this everytime she's asked about it and has even implied, unintentionally, that she fried a man with her electricity for insisting she was lying.

-His wealth allows his back garden to have a mini golf course. He sometimes plays golf with his business partners and friends, but isn't really passionate about golf. He does like the sport.

-Many years ago, he helped Dominic start up a business which eventually became an infamous night club in Highstreet. While Dominic did a lot of the work, the land needed was bought by Lloyd and he also gave the man constant guidance.

-His genuine interest for geography and history made him want to learn more about the specific fields his career only did a brief lesson on. He studied physical, historical and urban geography(along with earth science) with only little help from the people raising him.

-He likes to sing and has a great singing voice, it sounds like the Frog from Over The Garden Wall, but often doesn't sing in public. His regular speaking voice sounds more like Principal Brown from Gumball(it’s the closest I could find to a speaking voice for him, genuinely, please let me know if you have a better choice for him).

-Despite being purely carnivorous, he had tried vegetarian meals and likes most of them. He just can't have it constantly, so he's stuck with eating only cooked or raw meat, primarily fish and chicken.

-Since no-one knows when he was born, he celebrates his birthday on new year's eve, he doesn't do much, just gets his chef to make him a full roast dinner with cake.

-He has a bunch of vinyls stored away in the basement of his house, they're all jazz and funk as that's the only kind of music he'd listen to when he was a young adult. His taste in music has expanded since then, but will occasionally have something like this playing in his office. 



-His was genetically modified to have an intelligence level that is higher than the average anthropomorphic creature/alien, this was to find out if there is a way for something or someone to be smarter than an alien.

-He is smaller than the average male nile crocodile, his body has a more stable build so his intelligence can be put into good use. It’s debatable if he did.

-Due to a sudden mutation in his genome, he has the ability to grow a thick moustache and beard. Having a full beard irritates his snout, so he'll only have a trimmed moustache(and a soul patch if he’s feeling adventurous).




Sir Lloyd Crocagator was born in an underground laboratory in England of 1955 by people that were secretly from another planet.  




