
4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Lympha 'Hydromancer' Opulentia Resilio












Car Wash Attendant


She appears as aloof, passionless and mundane but can be extremely soft and sappy, especially around her friend, Loftie. She's quite dense and over confident, usually running head first in a lot of situations and will go hysterical over the dumbest things. She's very creative and resourceful, she will have, at least, one convoluted way of doing even the most basic tasks.

Date of Birth - Earth

February 5th, 1990



-She used to live in a town called Middle Of Nowhere with Loftie and Scrugina, now she currently lives in a house with her friend, Loftie.

-She loves anything to do with comedy, wherever it intentionally funny or not, she generally loves to laugh and have banter with people.

-She loves to entertain Loftie and is always excited when she wants to see or learn a new trick, some of these tricks are magic tricks(the kind you'll see from a magician), others are basically weird body tricks that only certain types of people can do without dying.

-She is multilingual, as she has learnt many languages from her home planet. With the help of Scrugina, she learnt english when she was on earth. It can be a little broken sometimes, but she knows a lot of words. 

-Her cooking skills are basically non-existent so she sometimes rely on Loftie to make good food. She mostly eats simple to make foods or store bought food since she doesn't want to make Loftie do all the cooking.

-When she was living in Scrugina's house, she was jealous of how Loftie was mainly focusing her attention around Scrugina and her friends as she felt left out. Scrugina doesn't mean for her to feel unloved and has tried to get her to socialise with other people alongside with Loftie, but she was too stubborn to actually take her advice.

-She knows Lunalantis and has meet her months after she moved into Highstreet, they mostly take the piss out of each other but are very good friends.

-She has a stiletto knife that was given to her by her father. It's one of her most treasured possessions and while she doesn't use it that much, mostly used as way to open light beer, she keeps it in her fanny pack.

-She may have a crush on Loftie, she’s quite a stubborn being so she wouldn't admit anything. She does use 'big stinker' and other similar phrases as a term of endearment for her, it use to be an insult referring to Loftie’s pungent(not foul) smell.

-Her dream car is a vintage station wagon, she can't afford one yet. She has came across some more modern builds during her time as a car wash attendant and thinks those still look cool.

-She has thought of using her abilities to wash cars by blasting water at them through her mouth and, in the same second, released how gross that would be, so that idea was discarded swiftly.

-She has used her tail as a weapon before, what I mean is that she has dis-attched her tail with her bare hands and hit someone(usually Lunalantis) with it. Drakgo's tails are naturally muscular, but her is not so it's more like being hit with an inflatable pool toy.

-Her favourite season is autumn because she likes pumpkins, the colours of the leaves and she finds it to be the most neutral season temperature wise, unlike winter and summer.

-She is terrible when it comes to lucid dreaming, she has tried to but by the time she's actually asleep, she forgets that she's dreaming as she's a very heavy sleeper and snorer.

-Her most recent birthday gift was a hand crafted camo-patterned sweater made by Loftie. It main purpose is to prevent Loftie from having less sweaters to wear, but it could could only do so much.

-Originally, 'Hydromancer' was just there as a dumb way to tell people that she can manipulate water. Now, on Erumperra, it's a honorific made up just for her by the people of her home village, on earth, however, it's a mocking nickname by both friends and enemies.

-She became a lot less of a serious and jaded person on the inside during her time living with Loftie and Scrugina. She'll also occasionally an ounce show any emotion besides boredom and apathy in public.

-Typically, she wears what people on earth consider masculine or androgynous clothing. This is for no special reason other than it’s often the more practical attire and she just likes it.



-She can manipulate any kind of fluids, including those of the bodily kind(it's basically just bloodbending) and she loves being creative with that power; she's just built different.

-She can use it to control the brain by shutting parts the cerebellum down to make someone lose consciousness temporary or to make someone move more sluggishly. Her personal favourite thing to do is to make someone slur their speech.

-She can regenerate missing muscle, tissue and organs almost instantaneously, but unless her skeleton's still there, she can't regrow her limbs. She can, however, reattach and dis-attach her limbs.

-50 pounds lighter than the average Drakgo, a side effect of being a hydromancer. This makes her so light that her friend, who's pretty strong to begin with, can throw her like a dodgeball.

-She can drain the water or liquid out of almost anything, she would mainly use it dry up fruits or speed up the process of drying washed clothes.

-She can conjecture up what she calls ‘water demons’, which are just insentient creatures that are made of water. She can make them out of other liquids, but they would be called [insert liquid here] demons(example: capri-sun demons).

-The [insert liquid here] demons either look like cute dogs or blood-thirsty canines, there are no inbetween. If she forgets about their existence, then they'll suddenly go back to being a puddle of [insert liquid here].

-She can fasten the recovery on scars and openings by just hovering her hand over the wound, it does hurt and she has tried to find ways to not make it hurt but none has worked so far.

-She does have claws, they just look more like long, slightly pointed nails(think like Legoshi's hands).

-Due to not having enough of the enzymes that break down alcohol, her tolerance to it is incredibly low, she can only drink light beers and in small amounts.

Backstory(WIP) God, I need to trim some of this down


Lympha was born in Erumperra, in the western world of Rusida Megalops. As soon as she was born, her mother gave her up and sent her to her father. Both of Lympha's parents were young and inexperienced in life when they had her. Despite this, he wanted to take responsibility as a parental figure and was willing to raise Lympha. He knew that raising a child in the middle of the forest where they can both be easily ambushed by gigantic predators. He decided to take himself and his child to a village full of Cephalogoes, Amphatrons and, hopefully to feel more at home, other Drakgoes. It took him days to find a safe space until he spotted a gathering of Cephalogoes and Amphatrons, he quickly approached them and asked them for a place to say which they would give him so. She was raised in a village, known as Amphgo, and spent most of her childhood near the area. 

Besides her father, she was the only Drakgo in that village. She didn't have any friends because of her snobbish and rude nature. Learning that her mother was apart of the volcanic society through the village chief, she believed that she deserved a more fruitful life. She hoped for the chance with reuniting with her mother, despite being told that she was abandoned by her. As she convinced herself with her idea, she slowly became angry at her father for not allowing her the lavish life that she could've lived. She asked her father why she couldn’t go with her and he stated that it would result in him and Lympha's death. She was highly envious of her peers, wishing to be able to make friends as easily as they would. She was also highly envious of the Drakgoes that wore long, impractical robes with flashy colours since they were able to have access to the materials. She found the outfits they wore beautiful while the people at her village saw them as a waste of resources.


Being angry at her father for preventing her from living their life, she decided to sneak off at the dead of night to find her mother. She brought along a pouch that contained enough food for the journey which was kilometres away on land(but theoretically doable) and the quickest route was north-east through the Western Waters. Since she was around the age of a preteen, she was decent enough at hunting and gathering; she also didn't want to take too much food from Amphgo so she took a handful to start off with and left. She was already at the edge of the Western Waters and, standing on the canopy of a tree, could spot the volcanoes from a mile away. She was ecstatic. She was one step away from finding her mother.

Taking a deep breath, she jumped from one branch to another and then, nearing the edge of the Western Waters, she swung on a vine and flung herself over the ocean. Due to the massive size of her planet, she didn't make it all the way and struggled in the massive plain of water. She first feared being eaten by a leviathan of an animal, then she feared drowning as she could barely swim. Several minutes of splashing around, she just hoped for some form of mercy, whether it be with her still alive or not. Fortunately, her mercy came in the form of a pleasant school of aquatic Ceaphlogoes that came to her aid. They allow their bodies to be used as a raft for young Lympha, conveniently taking her to the other side of the ocean and to the edge of Rusida Megalops. When they got to shore, one of them asked her where's she's going. She tells them that she's going to meet her mother at one of these volcanoes. They ask more about her journey, wondering why she was so far from her mother in the first place. Lympha herself had no idea, so she told them that her father didn't want her talking to her mother, probably because of jealousy. While they doubt that being the truth, they don't question her any further and swam away, not before saying their goodbyes. 

Lympha continues to march to her destination, waltzing into the volcanoes that covered Rusida Megalops. The volcanoes were huge and intimidating to her but she found the network of Drakgoes building their cities impressive. She asked the Drakgoes around if they knew of her mother, most of them laughed when she said her mother was just like them; they couldn't believe that a random kid from the woods was the child of someone their calibre. Her efforts of finding her mother were almost futile until a very old Drakgo in robes overheard her. He told her that he used to work under her mother and that she has the same light blue scales. He also added that her mother is very high up in the hierarchy of Drakgoes, the equivalent to a princess. This excited her and she begged him to take her to her or at least tell her where she is. Luckily for her, he has work tomorrow and will take Lympha to meet her mother but she needs to blend in with the others. He gives her brightly coloured clothes that his granddaughter used to wear, this excited Lympha as she always wanted to try the clothes of the volcano aliens. A day rolls over and the old Drakgo takes Lympha to the top of the volcano. There she could see a tall blue Drakgo in a purple and gold gown talking to someone, Lympha immediately ran towards the woman but was stopped by the old man. He told her that the chances of her mother recognising her as her child is small and she is not one to be friendly with. 

The alien got Lympha's mother's attention and told her that the child wanted to see her, the woman flinched when she saw Lympha. It took a lot of convincing from the old man to allow Lympha to live with her mother, she directly showed her around the volcano and taught her about how the citizens work together to maintain a strong society. Lympha mentioned to her that she lived in a village of Cephalogoes, her mother took great interest and quickly started asking about them. She didn't learn much about the village, since Lympha mostly focused on how she didn't have any friends at Amphgo. Nociting how upset it made her, her mother asked her to stay in her town. She talked to Lympha about making friends here, friends that were just like her. Lympha asked if she was deserted by her like her father says or if he was just lying, hearing that question made her mother uneasy but she indulged her at the idea that her dad was just jealous of her, an idea that Lympha already believed in. Lympha stayed in the volcano town for nearly half a year, playing with her new friends, albeit, often too roughly. She still talks to the old Drakgo, somewhat viewing him as an uncle. Despite living near her mother, she didn't see her all that much during her time in the volcano city, it was mainly the elderly Dragko who looked after her.

Things were great for Lympha until her mother asked if she could see Amphgo. She needed more 'helpers' she told the young girl. At first, Lympha was hesitant; she knew how much the Cephalogoes at Amphgo hated the privileged Drakgoes. Then she thought that maybe her dad would be willing to forgive her and accept her back in his life and, maybe, her mother's endless amount of resources could help Amphgo. In the end, Lympha accepted her mother's offer and they, along with some other Drakgoes left to go to Lympha's village. A few days later, they all arrived at Amphgo. Lympha's father immediately goes to hug her, happy she's home but then notices the tall, blue woman standing next to her. He demanded to know what the woman was doing with Lympha but she innocently interjects, thinking that her mother was there to just request for some help. Her dad pointed out that the Drakgoes with her are already kidnapping the inhabitants of Amphgo, including the chief who was caught off guard by a couple of Drakgoes. Frightened by the sudden chaos, Lympha demanded her mother to let the residents go but she disregarded her and ordered some soldiers to take their crop yield as well. 


When was in her adolescence, she became a lot less snobbish; infact she became a lot more solitary and introverted. She would be by herself, focused on staring at the many ponds and rivers her village was close to. While her father was glad that she wasn't being a pain to the other village residents, he was concerned about her as she hasn't been talking to anyone. He didn't ask her about her mood since she would either give a short answer or not even speak. Some day, while Lympha and her dad were on a walk, he had an idea of what could be troubling her. He wondered if she felt deep guilt of how her younger self acted. At first he wasn't sure how to approach it but now that it is just father and daughter, he chose to ask her a question. That question being: if she felt ashamed of herself because of her past actions. 

Lympha was thrown off by this since they were silent through the majority of their stroll but then quickly composed herself and said yes. She further explained to him that she hates what she has done and wishes that she just listened to him. She told him that she wished that she was less of a brat back then, wishing she was content with living a simple life as a village resident. Her voice was cracking up as she gradually got more and more emotional. She ended up ranting to her father about how she feared that she wasn't forgiven by the village but personally didn't believe that she deserved forgiveness. Her father tried to calm her down however she was unwilling to listen and, ignoring his pleas, ran off. Later, she was all alone in the middle of northern Cefiaphia. Lost, scared and still emotional from earlier, she decided to hide under a large hollow of a tree. A Cephalogo noticed her trembling under the tree and went up to check on her but she snapped at them, almost biting their hand off. Realising that, she profusely apologises to the person and they forgive her, asking her if she's lost. 




Lympha now lives in the british town, Highstreet, with her dear friend, Loftie. She has been living there for around three years and hopes to continue her life as just a normal(ish) woman. While her life has been generally peaceful, she has become the target of a few shady people, including a certain crocodile, due to her powers and the potential ways they can use it for themselves. She hopes to reunite with her father someday. The light years of distance between them does make that difficult, so she's more focused on her life on earth, trying her best to avoid trouble.