


7 years, 11 months ago



Digimon Daybreak

  • Name Walter H. Oswell
  • Age 16
  • Birthday September 1
  • Crest Grace
  • Partner Irulamon
  • Personality

    Naive. Adventurous. Cheerful. Giddy. Sociable. Impartial. Easily distracted.

    Walter is eager for adventure, but he's not so naive to think of it as fun and games all the time... just most of the time. He realizes when there is danger, but he'd rather stand in its face rather than try to run or avoid it. He is brave, but also has an irrational lack of fear. He comprehends death, but honestly feels very little fear or grief in relation to it; he doesn't fear it and he doesn't understand why anyone else should. Walter is not the brightest crayon in the box, but he likes to make himself useful and he can't stand not having anything to do. He's eager to please and sometimes blindly obeys because of it. He has a hard time thinking badly of others and rolls fairly well with the punches. Walter cannot stand snakes. When he was a very young child, he became terrified of them because of stories and rumors that other children told him. He's never quite been able to shake that fear and is even now quite adamant about wearing boots or gaiters whenever he travels, to protect against snakebites. Walter is a little insecure about being abandoned and doesn't ever want to be considered worthless.

  • Appearance

    Walter isn't one to stand out in a crowd. His skin is somewhat tanned and the only visible mar on it is a faded scar across the bridge of his nose. He has slight buckteeth but luckily, they don't impede his speech in any way. Walter's mousy brown hair is rather thick and he doesn't bother with styling it. He has little to no regard for fashion and wears whatever he feels like whenever he feels like wearing it. He is quite adamant about wearing either boots or snake gaiters and is rarely seen without one or the other.

  • Story

    He grew up as an only child; his father worked on the medical staff at a local hospital, and his mother generally stayed at home, except that she would take unexpected trips that sometimes lasted for more than a week at a time. When Walter was six, she left on one such trip, but never returned. Ultimately, she was declared missing, presumed dead, and the family held a funeral for her. Walter took his mother's death well. In fact, he took it so well that his father was seriously concerned over his son's lack of anger or grief. Visits to a psychiatrist turned up nothing abnormal, other than the obvious. Walter clearly understood that his mother had died, but he seemed almost incapable of negative feelings towards that fact and didn't at all seem to be repressing them, either. It proved a little disconcerting for his father and teachers at school, but other children didn't seem to mind his lack of emotion, as he remained as friendly as he ever had been.

    Shortly after he turned fifteen, Walter met Irulamon for the first time. Or rather, she took one look at him and decided to make herself scarce. She periodically watched him from a distance, never really getting involved in anything and simply being displeased over the fact that such a carefree child was meant to be her partner. It took more than a year of such observation before she actually approached him, and Walter was only too accepting of the story she told him of the Digital World and its plight. The two of them have been together as partners for almost three months, and they are still working out the finer points of their relationship.

  • Irulamon Partner

    Walter and Irulamon had something of a rocky start. She's very unimpressed with his demeanor and it took more than a year of practically stalking him before she felt willing to accept him as her partner and actually apprached him for the first time. Irulamon embodies every fear and reservation that Walter doesn't seem to have, and he seems to contain all the enthusiasm and courage that she lacks. Their partnership is somewhat backwards, with Walter usually acting in her defense and encouraging Irulamon to not participate in fighting. While Irulamon would much rather run than fight, she forces herself to act instead of letting Walter put himself in the path of danger that he's not equipped to face. Even though she acts irritated all the time, Irulamon is actually very fond of Walter and his positivity.

  • Emma Teammate

    Walter is only too happy to follow Emma's lead and is perfectly willing to do whatever she asks of him. He's quick to volunteer himself whenever Emma needs boring or unpleasant work done. Part of it is because of his friendly nature, but a lot is due to wanting to be helpful and useful, especially since he views her as the final authority on everything they do as a group.

  • Jaesun Teammate

    Despite the fact that Jaesun actively avoids him, Walter is very good at hunting down Jaesun's latest brooding spot and interrupting whatever else he may be doing. Walter's very quick to notice that Jaesun normally isn't involved in things and makes a lot of effort to show him as much welcoming behavior as he does towards anyone else. Jaesun never can seem to communicate that he doesn't want Walter's company and eventually just accepts whatever interactions Walter starts with him. Walter is also very pleased when Irulamon seems to have befriended Jaesun and takes that as a positive sign that the other boy is comfortable with their group.

  • Ethan Teammate

    Never having grown up with siblings, Walter all too readily accepts Ethan as an older brother that he can look up to and attempt to mimic. He's exceptionally enthusiastic about time spent with Ethan and makes the most out of it every time. Walter actually values Ethan's acceptance over anyone else's and he does his best to make sure that Ethan knows how much his presence is appreciated.

  • Irene Teammate

    Walter picks up on Irene's quiet nature almost immediately after their first meeting; he can't tell or forgets that Irene doesn't want attention and he'll interact with her as enthusiastically as he does with anyone else. Irene usually ends up the silent audience to whatever topic or shenanigan he's gotten into. Walter is super encouraging of her, especially when she takes any sort of decisive stand in conversation; she ends up coming out of her shell and acting a little less shy in the future because of his encouragement, even though it takes a very long time for her to get to that point.

  • Bernice Teammate

    Bernice is refined where Walter is blunt, but their opposing presentations don't interfere with establishing a friendship. Bernice doesn't have any friends that are as free spoken as Walter, so she finds it a nice change of pace, even when she doesn't follow the conversation very well. The two of them both have a desire to be accepted by others, even though neither one of them really talks about it. They share a pretty easy friendship with a lot of various topics being covered when they talk. She tries to encourage her partner Chantalimon to talk more like Walter does instead of using inappropriate phrases, and Walter gets a kick out of hearing their attempts to sound more like him.

  • Saria Teammate

    Confirmed most socially awkward duo. Saria is so concerned by his fashion sense and wants to fix everything; Walter is too chill to say no when Saria tries to dress him, but he will default to his usual style if left unattended. Both of them are very cheerfully weird around each other and can pursue odd topics with great enthusiasm. Saria sometimes uses Walter to carry things for her (including herself), which he is only too happy to do for her.

  • Notes

    ∙ Walter has been diagnosed as lacking in some emotions; he specifically has a hard time with negative traits like anger or sadness. He legitimately doesn't seem to feel anything like that and can't truly understand when others feel that way. Every emotion that he appears to be lacking in seems to be very prominent in Irulamon's personality.

    ∙ It cannot be stressed enough how afraid Walter is of snakes.

    ∙ He has known about Digimon and the digital world since he was very small. His mother belonged to a core group of heroes that saved the digital world from a previous disaster and she shared a lot of her experiences with him as bedtime stories. Even when he mentions that to other members of the group, it seems like an outrageous claim that none of them bother to think too much about until they come across actual proof and it suddenly all makes sense.

    ∙ While Irulamon usually keeps herself well hidden in the real world, Walter made it a point to let his father know about her. She protested at first, expecting all sorts of negative reactions. His father took everything perfectly in stride and is a silent supporter of Walter being involved in the digital world like his mother was.

profile html by Hukiolukio