Verrhak Fenxiris



4 years, 4 months ago


(verrr-HACK fen-SEE-riss)


Verrhak Fenxiris (or, to her companions, simply Fen) is the final surviving member of the fallen Verrhak clan, having lost all of her clanmates to a mysterious disease at a mere fourteen years old. To save herself from the rapid spread of the sickness, she was forced to depart from the area where the sickness still lingered, leaving behind the legions of dead and dying Verrhak. For years, she roamed the dangerous wilds, fending purely for herself; during this span in her life, she gained her four familiars and watched on as the unforgiving forces of nature brutally reduced each and every one of them to nothing more than a heap of bones. 

Around the age of twenty-five, she stumbled back into society, and offered her services to the public as a mercenary. She defended many, escorting and protecting, but never saw any of them as more than a client--until her. A human herbalist and druid by the name of Maranaia hired her several times to serve as protection when venturing into the deep forests to collect supplies; she'd need the backup of a strong, intimidating ally to defend her from the feral beasts that inhabited the woods, and later as a permanent guard (a small, pretty human woman was a target for many things). While her consistent protectiveness of the herbalist started as simply duty, they eventually developed feelings for one another and fell in love; and, for the first time in her life since losing her clan, Fen was happy. 

As one of many gifts to her love, Maranaia taught Fen everything she knew of the world and its wonders; how to heal and mend wounds of flesh and mind, the ancient ways of the Old Faith, names of plants mundane and enchanted, the importance of balance, and even more. She helped Fen to carve her staff, and gifted her with the scarlet crystals with which to complete it; spent days and days and days trekking together across vast grassland and through lush forest, meeting strange creatures and even stranger people; gathering the knowledge of the world.

And then Maranaia fell sick. Sick with an illness she could find no herbs to cure. Sick with an illness Fen recognized.

Knowing that if she fled again, she'd never be able to live with herself, Fen swore to stay by her love's side until the human's dying breath. And she did; for many days and nights she tended to her partner, going without sleep and nourishment, almost always by her side as the infection raged through her. And when finally, death came to claim her best friend, her lover, her savior, she buried her fallen love in the herb garden, digging the grave with her own claws, and marking it with a simple headstone, entwined among the first blooms of spring. And, nine years after she arrived--she left, for the final time. Without a single creature to see her off, she slipped out before the sun lifted above the horizon, bringing as many of the late herbalist's books and supplies she could carry with her.

The miserable cycle of life had taken her back to fourteen: once again, she was a young dragonborn, not quite grown but not quite a child, the only one who'd ever loved her dead of sickness, drifting aimlessly through the wilderness. And she followed the path she had beaten for herself twenty years ago: become a mercenary. Defend those who needed her.

And, after several clients, she was recruited by a ragtag band of adventurers; where they were headed, they'd need protection, and a hulking dragonborn with a staff tall enough to rival her own grand stature of seven-foot-one seemed perfect. Seeing the danger of the mission, she immediately accepted; if anything happened to her, well... not like anyone she loved was still around.

Strength -
Dexterity -
Constitution -
Intelligence -
Wisdom -
Charisma -

- Fire breath weapon (Red dragon heritage)

Neutral Good